Three Promises for Jane

A True Story of Madness and Redemption

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
316 Pages
Reviewed on 01/18/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tracy A. Fischer for Readers' Favorite

In a raw and emotional offering by author A.J. Liese, Three Promises for Jane: A True Story of Madness and Redemption is a book that readers won't soon forget. In a first rate memoir following the author's horrific upbringing, the author recounts being the child of parents with mental illness and the many abusive situations that she encountered throughout her childhood. Revealing the effects that such treatment had on her childhood and her young adulthood, as well as the lingering effects that continue to follow her even now, author A.J. Liese has done a splendid job in portraying her difficult past in such a way that those who have gone through or are going through similar situations will be able to learn from her, and hopefully even see a path towards healing.

I was completely engrossed in Three Promises for Jane: A True Story of Madness and Redemption from the very first page and I kept reading it right through to the end. Author A.J. Liese has done a phenomenal job in writing this very personal, heartbreaking, and then ultimately redemptive story. Any reader who has a history of abuse, a history with a family member affected by mental illness, or who cares about a person dealing with these issues should absolutely read this book. More than that, any reader looking for a great memoir should give this book a chance. This is an important work, and one that many should read in order to try to gain an understanding of the issues of mental illness and abuse. I highly recommend Three Promises for Jane, and would like to thank author A.J. Liese for sharing her life with the world.