Tiger Season

A Novel of Korea

Fiction - Military
376 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Tiger Season: A Novel of Korea is a work of fiction in the military, historical writing, and cultural issues subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience owing to scenes of wartime violence and strong language. Penned by author Gojan Nikolich, this intriguing and harrowing tale delves into the life of an American soldier whose world is turned upside down by a fateful discovery on the Korean DMZ and a passionate romance with a tragic brothel courtesan, leading to a volatile confrontation with Communist North Korea. Nikolich's intense and immersive novel weaves together elements of love, war, and intrigue against the backdrop of 1960s Korea.

Eddie Profar's journey from a naive GI to a man grappling with life-altering secrets and moral dilemmas kept me captivated from start to finish, and I was really impressed with the attention to detail in his emotional journey. The dynamic relationship between Eddie and his eccentric sidekick Yevgeny Lee added unexpected humor to a dark and gritty narrative, offering moments of levity amidst the tension of impending conflict and some really witty characterization and poignancy. Nikolich's vivid descriptions transported me to the volatile Korean border, where danger lurked at every turn, and the choices in atmospheric language really highlighted just how quickly events could turn deadly and how on edge soldiers would have been at the time. The well-constructed plot offers readers a lot to think about, but everything is so naturally woven into the character-led storytelling, showcasing Gojan Nikolich's talent for crafting compelling and thought-provoking narratives. Overall, Tiger Season is a gripping saga of love and fate set against the turbulent aftermath of the Korean War that I would certainly recommend.