'Til I Get on Back Home

Your Soldier Daddy's Adventure

Children - General
31 Pages
Reviewed on 06/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tanja Jurkovic for Readers' Favorite

Some of the most important stories emerge from the life experiences that shape the perception of the world around us and put into perspective the true value of family, gratitude, and love. 'Til I Get On Back Home: Your Soldier Daddy's Adventure, a touching and heartwarming tale written by Jason L. Sharp, does exactly that. The story follows a father who must leave his wife, their three beautiful children, and their home to do his duty as a soldier. Emotional turmoil, fear of losing a partner, a father, a husband, and the hope that he will return linger throughout each page, revealing some of the deepest human sentiments and the capacity for the care and warmth that people can give to one another. Before he leaves, the father promises his family that he will return home to them.

Aimed at children of all ages who have had or will have a member of their family deployed around the world by the army for a long period, Jason L. Sharp’s intention to offer solace and entice optimism achieves its aim. The author's writing is approachable and full of rhythm, followed by colorful and clear illustrations of the life that he is describing. 'Til I Get On Back Home is a visually pleasing, emotionally and socially relevant story that explores an often harsh experience that is relatable and real. At the same time, it offers a compassionate view on a relevant topic, which is necessary to talk about today.