Fiction - Drama
243 Pages
Reviewed on 09/15/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maria Beltran for Readers' Favorite

In TJ by Boris Beedle, TJ Hartwell -- a dashing young actor, with a bitter and angry disposition in life -- will find himself in an overly eventful night he has never expected until now. He will come face to face with the bitterness and sadness of his childhood. He spent his early years in the care of an abusive mother and an absentee father, who would both end up in fights – a broken relationship that existed at his expense. Now, after 25 years, his father Tony agrees to meet with him. One can only imagine how both men are pushed to their boundaries as shocking confessions are spilled. The entire situation forces them to get to know each other as individuals, as much as to face their own selves. For the first time in a long time, they begin to unravel the heart of the problems of the broken family they have been trying to escape. Will one night be enough?

Boris Beedle delivers an interesting book in TJ. Despite being confronted by an angry tone, reading TJ is worthwhile. Once the characters’ backgrounds have been laid out, it’s hard not to empathize with them. Just as much as both father and son are pushed to their edge and into reflection, so are its readers. One cannot avoid examining one’s relationships with one's natural family after closing the last page. Readers themselves will feel the palpable tension between the two men as they stay with the characters in their night of confrontation in a narrative that’s fast paced. TJ is certainly a good book to keep in your collection.