To Find a Killer

A Natural State Murder Mystery

Fiction - Crime
364 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

To Find a Killer by Leah Brewer is a compelling combination of crime, drama, romance, mystery, suspense, and detective fiction. Atlanta PD Detective Tammy Sharp is injured while on duty. Tammy's beloved Uncle Ellis has drowned, and his death looks suspicious. Tammy decides to return to her hometown of Pocahontas, Arkansas. It turns out that Ellis asked an investigative journalist named Jace Eubanks, who broke Tammy's heart long ago, to look into a local mystery. People say that gold and jewels are hidden in Old Davidsonville's area. Is it possible that someone killed Uncle Ellis because of that gold? Tammy starts getting threatening messages urging her to find it. Together with Jace and her mother, Ruby, Tammy investigates the death of her uncle and tries to find the treasure. But can she work with the man her heart refuses to forget?

Leah Brewer's To Find a Killer is an absorbing, character-driven story. The author describes a small town that looks peaceful and inviting thanks to caring people like Ruby. But this facade is deceptive, and solving its mysteries with Tammy is exciting. Tammy is a strong woman with a wounded heart. I like that she is not perfect. Forty-five-year-old Tammy doesn't want her mother, Ruby, to date a local sheriff, Obie Wilson. The dynamic between these three characters results in many humorous situations. Ruby is kind, generous, and loving. For Ruby, age is just a number as she lives her life to the fullest. Brewer crafts a beautiful romance with dramatic undertones between Tammy and Jace. This subplot is an integral and lyrical part of the main storyline centered around the gripping mystery. The author explores the themes of forgiveness, loneliness, and how destructive human passions can be. The impressive outcome makes me want more books about Tammy's adventures.