To Stop the Terror

The First Sightings

Fiction - Fantasy - General
492 Pages
Reviewed on 08/16/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

The First Sightings is book one in the To Stop The Terror series. The tale begins with an excited reporter attempting to explain to his editor the events of the night before. The reporter was sitting at a restaurant’s bar going over his notes when a group of armed men came in terrorizing the people. You would think this would be the big story the junior reporter needed to make a name for himself but there is a bigger story quickly developing. Out of the sky came a man dressed in a superhero type costume. Soon he was joined by his team including humans and bears. They made quick work of the villains. The heroes agreed to grant the reporter (Jones) an interview.

The leader of the Calvary Squad was General Douglas Astound.”…there is a lot more to our story than just some super power rebels running around the country getting them in trouble.” After the rules were laid down and agreed to the General began to tell the story. “For some reason unknown to our understanding, we as a squad and a family tree have received gifts and abilities that we did not work for. Nor, were we taught these skills ... We can stop this terror that most people are unaware of that it even exists.” Throughout the interview Jones caught a glimpse of many strange creatures each with incredible abilities.

The General went back to the beginning when Elizabeth was widowed and raped. She was already carrying her husband’s child. The family curse was evident in the child when he was born. It seemed as he were filled with evil.

I won’t share more of the plot because I don’t want to ruin it for the readers. The this story has great potential with more editing. The book also needs a good editor there were many minor mistakes but that did not detract from the excitement of the plot. It is a great action/adventure/scifi/fantasy. I felt the first few chapters explaining the attack on the restaurant were very descriptive. I believe young adults will devour this series.

Jesse A Perkins

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