Transcendental Haiku

Verses on the Transcendental Orient

Poetry - Inspirational
151 Pages
Reviewed on 06/13/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Stress and anxiety have become synonymous with modern living. In these hectic times, people often find it challenging to find peace in silence and contemplate the world around them. With this illuminating poetry collection, author Aviilokín K'Shi offers to take readers on a journey to experience the mystical realm and its fundamental ties with the hidden principles and dimensions of life; to find clarity of vision and mindfulness that will help them see the world and one's place in it as it truly is. Transcendental Haiku is a collection of ninety-nine mesmerizing poems penned in the style of traditional Japanese haiku poetry with 5-7-5 syllable patterns. These poems convey diverse emotions and feelings, covering many aspects of life, including meditative mindfulness, one's love for their wife, the paradoxical nature of a warrior's spirit, and much more.

Aviilokín K'Shi gifts readers with an enlightening haiku poetry collection that will make you introspect and find joy in the wonder and awe that is the mystery of life. Transcendental Haiku lives up to its name as the power of K'Shi's enthralling verses remains etched long after you've finished reading the book. The abstract nature of K'Shi's haiku poems ensures that you may find a different meaning in the verses on a reread, and it opens new dimensions you can explore through K'Shi's poetry. One of the poems sheds light on how some people in power seem to preach love while, in practice, nurturing and harvesting hate. Overall, an inspirational poetry collection that I highly recommend.