
Children - Animals
50 Pages
Reviewed on 02/17/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Darin Godby for Readers' Favorite

Tripod is a wonderfully written and illustrated book about a dog with only three legs. Tripod feels like he is less than the others around him as they are able to run, walk, and play without falling over. He is very sad and lonely as others make fun of him and he even has bad dreams of being without his fourth leg. He wants to know how to make things better so he investigates various animals, but each one has their own gifts and abilities that really don't seem to help him. Soon, however, he happens upon a frog and sees it hop. He thinks maybe that is a way that he can get around, so he gives hopping a try. Will Tripod go from being made fun of to being someone that has special gifts and abilities like the other animals? Read the book and find out!

Michael Beckerman does a wonderful job of illustrating this book so the reader can visualize the difficulties as well as the joys that Tripod has as he learns how to manage without a fourth leg. Tripod is a fun and entertaining book that gives a strong lesson of values. Watch Tripod's nightmares change to dreams of joy. This is a definitely a book that children will enjoy reading.