Two Hearts’ Christmas Wedding

Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance Book 22

Fiction - Intrigue
351 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Two Hearts’ Christmas Wedding is a work of fiction in the romance, interpersonal drama, and slice-of-life genres, and is the twenty-second novel in the epic Two Hearts' Wounded Warrior romance series. It is best suited to mature readers owing to scenes of a sexual nature throughout. Penned by author Tamara Ferguson, in this latest novel, we meet Camille Laurent and Rafe Broussard as they experience their unique take on love at first sight during the holiday season. However, their bliss is disrupted by intrigue and drama when Camille discovers she has a stalker, and Rafe is recruited to aid the FBI domestic terrorism unit while serving as an Army Ranger. Will they ever achieve their happily-ever-after amidst these challenges?

Author Tamara Ferguson utilizes her many talents in deep characterization and sensational love stories to craft a captivating read filled with romance, suspense, and heartwarming moments. Camille and Rafe's love story unfolded against the backdrop of danger and uncertainty, with an ever-growing tension in their relationship that is highlighted by their emotional bond growing as well as the many harrowing and exciting challenges of the plot. Ferguson's skillful storytelling kept me engrossed with every brilliantly paced moment as I followed their journey, rooting for them to overcome the obstacles in their path to happiness thanks to the close narrative of both personalities. The dialogue really showcases their similarities and differences as they work through different issues, making them both seem like real people we’ve gotten to know and fallen for. This makes their triumphs and struggles feel genuine and relatable, grounding the plot in reality even when the stakes get daringly high around them, and keeping readers eagerly turning pages until the eventual mercy of a very heartwarming conclusion. Overall, Two Hearts’ Christmas Wedding was a delightful blend of romance and intrigue, showcasing Ferguson's talent for consistently crafting engaging and emotionally satisfying stories. I’d highly recommend this and the series in general to romance fans everywhere.

Delene Vrey

Two Hearts’ Christmas Wedding by Tamara Ferguson is the 22nd book in the Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance series. It tells the story of Camille Laurent and Rafe Broussard. Rafe had noticed Camille but never dared to ask her out. When he spots her in the bleachers one afternoon after football training, he approaches her, and it is love at first sight. Camille is also blown away by Rafe's kindness, and after just two dates, the two know that they are meant for each other. But it isn't smooth sailing for the eighteen-year-olds. Camille's mother suffers from Alzheimer's Disease, and she and her sister take turns watching her, which means Camille does not get out much. To complicate things further, it seems Camille has a stalker who leaves upsetting gifts on her doorstep. Rafe does all he can to help protect the three women. Meanwhile, Rafe has been contacted by the FBI to recruit him for a mission in which his special technical skills are needed. Rafe and his father are also trying to oust the spy in their midst, and it seems that a long-term plan for revenge is behind all the trouble the Laurents and Broussards have to face. When Rafe leaves for training halfway through his senior year, neither he nor Camille knows whether they will see each other again, but maybe they will get a second chance.

Tamara Ferguson has written a sweet romance that develops quickly. The characters are good, clean-cut, responsible young people who show dedication and loyalty to their families. The importance of family and caring for loved ones is evident throughout the plot, emphasizing the importance of having a family that surrounds you in your most trying time. Another central theme is serving your country and the trauma and loss accompanying that. Those who serve in the military have scars, both physical and emotional, that need understanding and support. Camille is an excellent example of a caring and understanding wife. What I liked about the story was the fact that Rafe and Camille both made a conscious decision not to have sex before marriage, as well as there being no profanity. The adult scenes were appropriate to the storyline and done in good taste. Two Hearts’ Christmas Wedding is an easy-to-read romantic drama with new main characters.

Grant Leishman

Two Hearts’ Christmas Wedding is another superb romance from talented author Tamara Ferguson. Her body of work is exceptional and this offering truly lives up to her high standards. Camille Laurent and Rafe Broussard had eyes only for each other across the high school corridors for a long time before either dared to make a move. When football star and electronic whizz kid Rafe finally plucked up the courage to ask Camille on a date, they both seemed to know that something special was about to happen. Young love ran smoothly for the couple but those on the outside presented them with difficult situations and dangerous possibilities. It would seem Camille had a stalker, while Rafe was tapped by the FBI to use his unique technical abilities in the hunt for terrorists both abroad and at home. Through all the disruption to both the Laurent and Broussard families, one constant remained; Camille and Rafe’s intense love for each other.

Author Tamara Ferguson is indeed one of my favorite authors and in the genre of romance, she is on the top of the pile for me. Two Hearts' Christmas Wedding is the 22nd installment in the Wounded Warrior series and it lives up to the quality and enjoyment of its predecessors. It doesn’t matter where in the series you start; before long you find the connections and characters from previous stories popping up. The links unite the series but, more importantly for the reader, they give a sense of family to the characters that make them lovable and relatable. I particularly appreciated that this romance was between two eighteen-year-olds still in high school and could have easily been dismissed as a high-school fling but it was much more than that. Ferguson’s ability to imbue believable maturity and responsibility into her young characters is one of her hallmarks as an author. As always with this author, the romantic and lovemaking scenes are beautifully and sensually sculptured without any need for explicitness. The raising of awareness of both the mental and physical health of our returned serviceman is always a key feature of this series and plays an important part in the plots. This is a fantastic read and one I highly recommend.