
The Art of Being Ugly Book 3

Young Adult - Social Issues
263 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Ugliest is the third book in The Art of Being Ugly series by Kelly Vincent. It's been a few months since Nic Summers, a seventeen-year-old from Emerson, Oklahoma, has come out as agender, and that has expectedly garnered the attention of a few bullies. Nic is ready to get back to the Oklahoma Academy of Math and Science in Burnside, along with Mack, a trans boy, who has faced his own share of discrimination from others. Additionally, they join an art mentorship program under the guidance of a local artist named Clee and begin their foray into the world of BookTok. However, when an LGBTQ advocacy video gets Nic and Mack thrown out of their dorm rooms, they must find the strength and courage to fight back against the injustices of the establishment.

Ugliest is a riveting young adult drama that focuses on a few relevant social issues concerning the LGBTQ community. Author Kelly Vincent has crafted some truly memorable characters that leave an impression on the reader. These characters act, talk, and feel like real-life high school kids, and have well-rounded personalities and captivating story arcs so that you can't help but be glued to the pages. The plot is nicely paced and features a couple of unexpected twists and turns that add to the characters. The relationship dynamics between Nic and their friends are very endearing, and the interactions were some of my favorite parts of the book. All in all, this is a fantastic coming-of-age story about identity and gender that shows what it means to be a young person in the LGBTQ community in contemporary America. Highly recommended!