
Poetry - Inspirational
128 Pages
Reviewed on 10/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Unheard is a collection of poems by Bhavini Bhargava. The author started with a focus on badminton, but after an injury, she moved to cricket and her poems reflect the shift. The pieces are meant for every age group, as Bhargava covers a period between her fifteenth and nineteenth years. She discusses love, loss, grief, success, and determination in her work, mirroring the decisions that led her to Australian pitches where she continues her sports-related dreams with a full college scholarship. Drawings accompany her poems and most lines follow an AABB pattern.

Have you ever felt something so deeply that even if you spoke it aloud, you believe it would not be heard? Bhavini Bhargava lays open her heart as she details her deepest emotions and shows her unbreakable spirit. Even in the introduction, Bhargava uses a poem to describe herself during the time she penned her poems, showing readers that poetry is her chosen form of expression. Readers can tell that Bhargava focuses on her dreams and encourages them to pursue their wishes as soon as possible. Her work is inspirational, and some short poems could even be used as affirmations. With a lovely vocabulary and intense emotion, Bhargava maintains positivity, even when she conveys disappointment. "Society's Reality" touched me the most, and I feel it is one of the truest pieces I have ever read. Readers who enjoy poetry by tenacious individuals, which echoes the thoughts of many in their late teens as they journey through lost love and a search for purpose, will love Unheard.