Unlikely Connections

Christian - Living
208 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Unlikely Connections is a work of creative non-fiction in the Christian writing, spiritual, and biography genres. Penned by author Charlotte-Ann Lyons, this heartfelt and honest work explores how God uses unexpected and seemingly unrelated events, objects, and people to spread the Gospel and accomplish His will. The book follows the life of William Kennedy Lyons as he discovers his faith in Christ and navigates crucial, life-changing decisions. Through his journey, readers witness how ordinary, often surprising circumstances - like a piece of cake or a moose head mount - play a significant role in his spiritual growth and mission, and that of his family. This narrative demonstrates how God’s divine plan unfolds in unexpected ways, encouraging readers to trust in His guidance through the most unlikely connections.

Author Charlotte-Ann Lyons lets us into her world and her heart in this heartwarming and thought-provoking book that deepened my understanding of how God’s hand can be seen in the most unexpected places. The central theme that God uses ordinary, even odd, circumstances to achieve extraordinary purposes is powerfully apt and well-placed in every chapter, offering regular affirmation and encouraging others to see where God lights up their lives more often than they might think. As I followed William’s journey and therefore that of his family, I was struck by how these ‘unlikely connections’ in each section not only strengthened his faith but also demonstrated the power of trusting in God's plan, even when it didn’t make immediate sense to anyone around. I enjoyed the anecdotal nature of the storytelling, and Lyons writes with a warm enthusiasm for her subject matter that is charming and hard to resist. Overall, Unlikely Connections is a highly recommended and well-penned read for Christians everywhere to enjoy.

Jody Savage

Wonderful read, God uses each person in everyday circumstances to work for the Glory of God.