Values Over Valuables

Daring to Live the Life Money Can't Buy

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
168 Pages
Reviewed on 08/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

With his faith and commitment to family unity in mind, Harmon Kong's Values Over Valuables helps families discuss money openly, without bitterness or hostility. Kong emphasizes making money to support your values instead of just choosing to live affluently and provide your children with the same boundless lifestyle. Kong relates his story and the experiences of others as they navigated the allocation of their funds in the event of their deaths and discovered that wealth can be measured in familial contentment. As you think about how to best accumulate wealth, preserve it, and maintain it during your retirement years, the author helps you realize your financial freedom goals without damaging family ties. Kong moves beyond finances to show great ways of building family connections and helps readers determine a "vision" for their family beyond money-related issues.

Harmon Kong makes readers think about hard questions and motivates them to arrange their intentions legally as soon as possible.
He outlines an unconventional approach to wealth management, outlining simple choices that will make children better stewards of their money as they enter adulthood. I was raised in a poor family, and even though my parents accumulated wealth later, I didn't expect them to leave me a lot of money. It made me resourceful, and many of the stories Kong shares echo the same results. Kong works in a financial company that focuses on overall family financial planning and helping clients use their money as a legacy, so readers can trust that he practices the advice he extends. Values Over Valuables conveys truthful wisdom while assisting readers responsible for the right balance as they determine the designation of their estate and the legacy they hope to leave.