Violet Hiccup

51 Shades of Pink

Romance - General
502 Pages
Reviewed on 09/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Violet Hiccup: 51 Shades of Pink by Angus Shoor Caan is a romance novel for adults set against the backdrop of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The novel follows Pink Lynt, a man down on his luck, who seizes a new opportunity for a fresh start. Along with his pet cat, Eight Ball, Pink moves to a new flat, finds gainful employment, and revels in a hedonistic lifestyle filled with sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. However, the arrival of Violet presents Pink with a dilemma that challenges his carefree existence, sending his life on a chaotic, yet thrilling path. The author really captures the wild spirit of the late '70s and early '80s, immersing readers in the era’s hedonistic culture, from the pounding energy of the rock scene to the carefree attitudes around sex and drugs that lead to a whirlwind of fun for the protagonist and the people he meets.

There’s something wonderfully pulp about the novel’s tongue-in-cheek narrative style, and the nostalgia the work evokes makes you experience every sight, sound, and sensation of Pink’s existence. His character arc shows him constantly grappling with life’s unexpected twists and turns in amusing ways. Angus Shoor Caan presents him as flawed yet highly responsive and resilient to these changes, especially when faced with Violet’s enigmatic presence. This makes for some delightfully unpredictable twists. The breakneck pacing mirrors the chaotic lifestyle of the protagonist with a sense of momentum and urgency that keeps readers invested from cover to cover. My favorite element of the story was the deeper emotional thread with Violet, making this more than just a tale of wild passion, but one of personal growth and self-reflection that leaves a warm and meaningful message at the end. Overall, Violet Hiccup is a brilliant work of drama, romance, and personal challenges that readers are certain to enjoy.