
Fiction - Supernatural
268 Pages
Reviewed on 07/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lex Allen for Readers' Favorite

FBI agent Terri Watson is deeply absorbed by her current career and potentially most important case. Her investigation to track a powerful Russian laundering money is interrupted by a streak of exceptionally horrific murders reminiscent of a wild animal attack. Terri and her partner Marc find themselves knee-deep in the supernatural world of shapeshifters, which reveals a connection between their Russian investigation and the murders. D. Werkmeister has hit the ground running with Volk, a supernatural / werewolf thriller that will surely lead to a highly successful series.

As a fan of horror stories, I am particularly drawn to shapeshifters, and werewolves are my shifters of choice. I am also drawn to horror stories that add to or move ahead of the standard villains, whereby the author presents a well-known creature but with traits that make them different from all others. In Volk, D. Werkmeister has accomplished a 'meisterwerk' with his werewolf, Alex. Volk's unique portrayal of werewolves intrigues readers, presenting a different perspective on these creatures. Listing these unique traits would create spoilers... so I'll leave it there for now. Verisimilitude is, for me, a big plus in fiction. Authors who can translate and use their life experiences, careers, and extensive research to provide that sense of reality are exceptional. Here, too, Werkmeister has scored. His occupations included the FBI and the Marine Corps, and research into the history/mythology of shapeshifters provided the experience necessary to express that vital sense of reality throughout Volk—a winner right from the chute that leaves me looking for the sequels.