Wake Up! Change Up! Rise Up!

Practical Tools for Personal Transformation

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
308 Pages
Reviewed on 09/15/2024
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Author Biography

LYNN LOK-PAYNE is the award-winning author of Wake Up! Change Up! Rise Up!: Practical Tools for Personal Transformation, which won the prestigious 2022 IBPA Silver Award in Self-Help.

As a former CEO and founder of a multi-million-dollar business turned author, Lynn motivates others to become the next chapter of who they are meant to be by creating a more empowering narrative for their life. When not writing, she can be found curled up with a good book, traveling to new locales, and attending concerts.

* Wake Up! Change Up! Rise Up!: Practical Tools for Personal Transformation

* Speak This Not That: Positive Affirmations to Have a Better Day

* Gratitude 101 Journal: 101 Days of Unique Prompts, Positive Affirmations, and Inspirational Quotes for Happiness

* NEW: Build A Better Day For Success

Follow me: Amazon, Goodreads, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest: @lynnlokpayne

    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Wake Up! Change Up! Rise Up! by Lynn Lok-Payne takes a look at how gratitude, joy, and love influence overcoming personal and emotional obstacles. She recounts her experiences with grief, such as the loss of her husband and a house fire, speaking on how gratitude, supported by her support network, facilitated her healing. Lok-Payne leans into practical methods to cultivate gratitude, including affirmations, journaling, and mindfulness, while lifting up visualization and compassion for achieving joy. She talks about the importance of love, both self-love and unconditional love for others, and suggests practices to avoid comparison and self-judgment. By incorporating examples from public figures and spiritual reflections, Lok-Payne illustrates that love and gratitude enhance emotional and spiritual health, advocating for personal responsibility, compassion, and resilience to foster personal growth and well-being.

In Wake Up! Change Up! Rise Up!, Lynn Lok-Payne delivers an insightful and empowering guide to transforming one’s life through gratitude, love, and mindfulness. The writing is both eloquent and pragmatic, comfortably integrating personal anecdotes with practical strategies, with each chapter ending with a mixed tape song playlist that's just loads of fun. Lok-Payne’s exploration of self-love and emotional responsibility is a standout to me and I dog-eared the page on how our internal dialogue shapes our reality. As a British/South Asian reader, I am particularly moved by the use of Malala Yousafzai's story as an example of courage and resilience, which came across as extremely relatable. Every piece of advice that Lok-Payne writes is actionable and she tells us what needs to be done, and how. Overall, Wake Up! Change Up! Rise Up! is a thoughtful, thought-provoking read that inspires authenticity, compassion, and a proactive stance on personal development. Very highly recommended.