What If We Were All Friends!

What If We Were Series

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 09/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

What If We Were All Friends! by C.M. Harris presents a wonderful world where we can live together peacefully. Even though each person is different, we are all amazing in our own way. Friends accept each other no matter what differences they have. When we become friends, we look out for each other and help all we can. Indeed, friends sometimes disagree, but they make up, and the friendship continues. Children will learn skills to improve friendships as they enjoy reading this story and looking at the pictures. The author encourages children to become friends with others and what it means to be a good friend. As you read this book with your child, discuss how differences work together to make us one.

Children love reading stories that rhyme. C.M. Harris's rhymes in What If We Were All Friends! draw children’s attention to one of the most important lessons they will ever learn. There is more than enough hate in this world, and this book will help children understand that friendship is one of the best cures for hate. Since friends work things out when they disagree, the world can live in peace if we learn to be friends. True friendship lasts a lifetime, so being friends with everyone can bring lasting peace. Take time to discuss what it takes to be a good friend and how to make friends with those who seem different. I have found that playing games and having fun is an excellent way to develop friendships. I highly recommend this book to share the joys and power of friendship with your child.

Pikasho Deka

We may all look different and have distinct qualities that make us unique, yet we're all people united under the umbrella of love and humanity. What If We Were All Friends! is another enthralling picture book by award-winning author C.M. Harris from her What If We Were series. In this book of rhymes, readers will discover the importance of friendship and unity in diversity. Everyone is different in how they look, talk, or even act. However, friendship transcends these differences and makes us care for each other. When we're in a spot or feeling lonely, friends make our lives easier. They are there for us in times of joy and in times of sorrow, good days and bad, doing activities together hand in hand. Sometimes, friends may fight, but they soon make up, and the journey of friendship continues!

What If We Were All Friends! is a wholesome book of rhymes for children. Parents and caregivers can use this book to instill values of embracing diversity and friendship in kids at an early age through singable rhymes that linger in your mind long after you've finished reading. C.M. Harris crafts some simple yet truly catchy rhymes that contain a few valuable life lessons on the importance of diversity and embracing each other's distinct qualities. As the world grows closer with each passing day, we must remember to treat each other with kindness and respect, and this is beautifully demonstrated in Harris' rhymes and the colorful illustrations in the book. Young readers will have lots of fun with the rhymes while parents can sing them to their kids. Highly recommended!

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

“United in kindness.” Sounds good, doesn’t it? Why not. In C.M. Harris’s What If We Were All Friends! we can learn the importance of acceptance and diversity. We can amaze ourselves and each other by demonstrating all the wonderful and very different things we can do. “We are all different in many ways,/ But, hey! Who cares? We can all amaze!” We can help each other, work together, learn from each other and, of course, amaze each other. That’s really what life is all about, isn’t it?

C.M. Harris’s picture book What If We Were All Friends! is part of the What If We Were series. Told in simple language so young readers can easily follow along, and using rhyming verse to add some lyricism to the text, the author takes young readers through several scenarios that demonstrate the importance of our differences. The colorful illustrations by Vitor Lopes add another dimension to this engaging book, one that will warm the hearts of both young readers and the caregivers who share the story with them. The important message is acceptance of our differences because we are all very different, very unique. After all: “Different is good, different is exciting./ Anything else would be uninviting!” The world in which we live today is very diverse and we all have to learn to get along with each other, to accept each other, and to show love and compassion for each other. A simple little book with a powerful message! Loved it!

Carol Thompson

C.M. Harris continues her What If We Were series with a heartwarming exploration of friendship, unity, and acceptance in What If We Were All Friends! This picture book, ideal for young readers, is visually and emotionally engaging. Through simple yet powerful rhymes and vibrant illustrations, Harris emphasizes the beauty of our differences and the strength that comes from kindness and mutual support. The narrative is straightforward but impactful, showing children that true friendship transcends all barriers. The lively and colorful illustrations by Vitor Lopes complement the positive and inclusive message. These are bright and colorful without overwhelming the story.

Whether read aloud in a classroom or enjoyed at home, this story is designed to resonate with children and adults, fostering a sense of inclusion and engagement. What sets What If We Were All Friends! apart is its ability to convey a big message in a way that's accessible to young minds. It teaches the value of friendship and subtly introduces the concept of embracing diversity in a fun and relatable way. The book's uplifting tone and encouraging message, filled with hope and inspiration, fosters empathy and understanding from an early age. C.M. Harris includes questions at the end so children can discuss the story and what they learned from it. It’s a delightful read that inspires love, friendship, and harmony. It's a gentle reminder that our differences make us unique and that we can create a world filled with compassion and connection. This picture book is an excellent addition to any classroom.

Donna Parrey

What If We Were All Friends! is the second book in author C. M. Harris’ series of children’s picture books. It follows What If We Were All the Same! and continues her engaging writing method of encouraging children to think about how they live their lives. A rhyming scheme unfolds the storyline, and the diverse cast of characters is presented in colorful, detailed illustrations by Vitor Lopes. Harris is purposeful in including a wide range of children who represent various races, cultures, and abilities. She also ensures the kids on the pages enjoy the same kinds of locations as readers do … at home, school, and outdoors, at playgrounds, beaches, and parks. The book includes Discussion Questions at the end to promote awareness, deep thinking, reflection, and open conversations.

Parents and teachers will appreciate the positive and uplifting message that What If We Were All Friends! imparts to young readers. While the over-arching theme of being kind to one another is often seen in children’s books, it remains an important point to emphasize. The delightful rhymes on each page make it easy for readers to speak the words out loud and for listeners to hear. Author C. M. Harris ensures that the characters share fun and feelings, even through loneliness and disagreements. Her illustrator, Vitor Lopes, fills the pages with children in a variety of activities – biking, swimming, reading, playing music, skateboarding, cooking, and even celebrating global holidays. The Discussion Questions at the end provide a real bonus for adult readers who can guide children’s sharing of thoughts afterward.