What? No More Halloween?

A Witch's Fight to Save the Letters

Children - Picture Book
40 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristine Zimmerman for Readers' Favorite

Halloween is full of spooky fun, ghosts, goblins, and of course sweet treats. In K. M. Messina's What? No More Halloween? A Witch's Fight to Save the Letters, Halloween may be in jeopardy. One day the mayor of Halloween decided he no longer liked the town's name. So, he ordered all the letters removed from the sign. The citizens of Halloween were upset. One little witch decided it was her job to defend the letters. She brought her pot filled with magical mist and headed to the mayor's office. She takes each letter and shows the mayor what would happen without that letter. No letter H means no hayrides, haunted houses, or harvest moon! The mayor relents on the letter H, but will the witch be able to defend all the letters?

As a retired children's librarian, I've read many Halloween books. What? No More Halloween? is one of the cleverest books I've seen. The story is unique and filled with letter recognition. Each defended letter is highlighted in a contrasting color so kids can easily identify it. I especially loved the way K. M. Messina used the double letters. The story flows effortlessly with a lovely repeating refrain that kids will chime in on. The watercolor illustrations by Nataliia Pavliuk are filled with spooky delights. A bonus is a black cat hidden throughout the story. What? No More Halloween? A Witch's Fight to Save the Letters is destined to become a favorite for all readers who love Halloween.