What the Heal

Non-Fiction - Memoir
128 Pages
Reviewed on 05/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Tia Warrick regales readers with the fascinating story of her life in What the Heal. This absorbing memoir follows Tia's life story as a child of Caribbean-American immigrant family heritage. The author delves into the unique and troubling situations she overcame to find her place in this world. Growing up as the middle child among ten siblings, Tia often found herself tasked with caring for her younger brothers and sisters as a youngster herself. At age five, she suffered sexual assault at the hands of a close relative, which went on for three more years. She had a complicated relationship with her narcissistic mother, who hid the fact that Tia's biological father was never the one who raised her. Despite her childhood trauma, Tia excelled in her studies and enrolled in college, eventually completing her Master's degree through a scholarship.

What the Heal is the true story of a young woman's lifelong battle with childhood trauma, depression, and abuse. This captivating memoir shows the resilient nature of the human spirit and how it helps us overcome the biggest hurdles life sometimes throws our way. Tia Warrick gives an unflinching account of her life, including her battle with depression, surviving abuse, and her continuous search for her biological father. Warrick attributes her faith in God to being able to navigate some harrowing situations in life, as well as her husband Curtis, who supported her wholeheartedly along the way. It's remarkable how childhood trauma can affect our lives even into adulthood, and Tia's story perfectly encapsulates that and more. Overall, I found this book both riveting and inspirational. Highly recommended.