What We Hide

Young Adult - Paranormal
258 Pages
Reviewed on 08/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

What We Hide by M.L. Stoughton follows the unfortunate tale of Ronnie Campbell, a teenage girl who lost her mother, causing various issues to arise in her already messy life. Her relationship with her father is strained, her little sister doesn’t understand what’s happening and now she has to deal with a clique of mean girls intent on making her life hell. But in their attempts to do so, they end up playing around with an Ouija board and bring a whole new meaning to making life a living hell.

Thrillers usually aren’t my cup of tea but What We Hide by M.L. Stoughton was a brilliant exception to the rule for me. This book has a little bit of everything from suspense to romance and supernatural creepiness to top it all off. The book starts off normally enough, a teenager facing a serious life crisis, typical mean girls who bully someone they deem below them, and a cute guy who complicates that dynamic even more. But that’s right about where the normalcy ends. Once the Ouija board was brought out, I was screaming just as much as I would for a crazy character on a show making the same mistake. To say this entertained me doesn’t cover it. I became so immersed in the book and what was happening that I didn’t even realize I would end up talking to myself and the characters throughout the entire novel. And if that doesn’t tell you how good this book is, then I don’t know what will. What We Hide is definitely worth the read and I encourage any reader to pick this book up, even if it isn’t your usual genre.