When You Have a Brother

Children - Picture Book
36 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

When You Have a Brother by Debra Hewitt is a heartwarming children’s picture book that celebrates the bond between two brothers. It explores the unique experiences of having a brother, explaining the highs and lows of the relationship. A brother is someone who can hold your hand, play with you, and discover new things and experiences with. They are friends for life, and they will be with you during sad and happy moments, sharing in your joy and pain and giving you a shoulder to lean on. A big brother will always keep you safe, and a young brother is always proud of his older brother and cheers him on. Together, they learn to share, go on adventures, and love one another.

When You Have a Brother is a touching story with a beautiful message about sibling love. It is inspired by real-life brothers Atticus and Isaac. The story presents a unique adventure filled with laughter, lessons, love, and the joys and challenges of growing up side by side. The story beautifully illustrates how brothers can be each other's greatest supporters and confidants, helping to foster a sense of belonging and resilience through every challenge and triumph they face together. Debra Hewitt uses an engaging tale and beautifully edited pictures to tell the brothers’ story. Her use of simple words and short phrases will appeal to children. The images are well-edited, creating a sense of nostalgia and relatability that will resonate with readers of all ages. Overall, When You Have a Brother captures the essence of sibling relationships, highlighting the importance of companionship, understanding, and unconditional love while encouraging young readers to cherish their familial bonds.