While I Can

Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Distant Land

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
184 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jessica Barbosa for Readers' Favorite

Time does not stop for anyone, and a retired firefighter and his entrepreneur wife were well-aware of this. They traded the comforts of their home in Canada for a tiny home on wheels, ready for an adventure of a lifetime. The road was full of bumps and not everything was smooth sailing but they were determined to spend the time they have the way they wanted to. Living the life you dream of after retiring does not mean you forget the problems you have or avoid the ones coming your way, but that did not stop Jo and Michael Dibblee. Join them in the book While I Can: Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Distant Land by Jo Dibblee as they go on a drive to Baja California Sur, Mexico daring to live their life to the fullest.

While I Can by Jo Dibblee was an inspirational tale of Jo and Michael’s adventures as they try to make the most of their time in life. Jo had felt the stirrings in her soul to go out and enjoy life more for quite some time and a visit to the doctor had turned that feeling into an urgent pull. Michael and Jo’s journey was engrossing, and their enthusiasm was infectious! As I joined them in their adventure, I learned many things, like how to treat a Portuguese Man-Of-War Sting and where the Best Kiteboarding Places in the Baja California Peninsula are. Pictures also accompanied the story and made it easier to visualize the fantastic places Jo and Michael went to, adding a touch of joy and anticipation to the tale. This book brought into perspective a person’s limited time.

In today’s world, people are so caught up in work and other stress factors that they often postpone their lives or forget to live them the way they want to. I admire Jo and Michael’s positive outlook in life. Despite the uncertainties and scares life has handed them, they never forget to appreciate the time they have been given. They have accomplished a lot and I was proud of them for it but I also felt a sense of longing to do the same. While I Can has opened my eyes and taught me that life is mine to live. I found this book to be a meaningful read that simply and succinctly delivers its message to all readers to treasure our time, be humble, and treasure the relationships we have built along the way. This was such a heartwarming, bright tale that was unafraid to share the ups and downs of life and along the way it taught me many valuable lessons I will never forget.

Melanie Kennedy

Jo Dibblee narrates her adventurous move from Canada to Mexico in While I Can: Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Distant Land. After Jo was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, she knew something in her life had to change. So, she and her husband, Michael, decided to winter in Mexico to pursue Michael’s dream of learning to kiteboard. However, this dream was put on hold as Michael was diagnosed with cancer. But before long he was in remission and they set off to Mexico with their travel trailer, affectionally named Postage Stamp, and their pets, Mia Mukluks, the dog, and Grumpy Tequila, the cat. Jo takes us along for the mammoth task of driving 2,492 miles from Vancouver Island, Canada, along the coastal highway in the western United States, through scenic Mexico, all the way down to Los Barriles, their new home away from home. Their trip down is a celebration of their lives and everything they can do, while they still can.

Jo Dibblee is a fantastic writer who paints a wonderful picture of Mexico and its small untouched towns. I loved the accompanying photos she took, and they made me feel connected to their great trip. I love to travel and agree with Jo’s sentiment that they had to do this for themselves, especially after their health scares. One day you might wake up and realize all the plans you have been setting aside for retirement might be missed out on if you don’t seize the day. While I Can: Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Distant Land is unreservedly inspirational and heart-warming and well worth a read if you’ve ever thought about changing your life.

Joe Wisinski

While I Can: Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Distant Land by Jo Dibblee is about a retired firefighter and his wife making a drastic change in their lives. The book’s early chapters describe two potentially devastating medical diagnoses, one for Jo Dibblee and one for her husband, Michael. Partially because of their medical issues, the couple decided to try wintering in Baja California Sur, which is the peninsula in western Mexico. Much of the book is a travelogue, describing their journey from Canada to Mexico while towing a small trailer. Although their trip was enjoyable, it also had moments of terror. The book includes some of the couple’s experiences in Mexico and numerous pictures depicting life on the peninsula. The book's final part tells the story of the charitable endeavor they helped found in Mexico.

I enjoyed reading While I Can: Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Distant Land. The experiences that Jo and Michael underwent while driving from Canada to Mexico are fascinating. The same is true about their depictions of life in Baja California Sur, Mexico. But there are two parts of the book that are even more important than the description of the trip and their subsequent experiences in their winter home. Both of these parts are inspirational. The first is that Jo Dibblee repeatedly urges her readers to decide what they want in their lives and do whatever it is “while you can.” The second is to see the pleasure and satisfaction the Dibblees gained from starting a charitable organization in Mexico. We should all serve others in our own ways, and Jo’s account will help motivate us to do that. I recommend this book for anyone who wants an enjoyable travel adventure story as well as for those who want to be inspired by a tale of courage, risk-taking, and ultimately, fulfillment.

Nino Lobiladze

While I Can: Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Distant Land by Jo Dibblee speaks about a life challenge leading Jo and her husband, Michael, to a breathtaking adventure and an even more important experience. In their golden years, this loving couple dreamed of spending winter months at Mexico's seaside, where Michael, a retired firefighter and adventurer, would kiteboard. Their resolution strengthened when they learned that Jo's health condition had worsened due to vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and Michael was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Thus, Jo and Michael decided to make a transformational trip from Canada to Baja California Sur, Mexico. There, they would live in a small house on wheels they lovingly called "the Postage Stamp," along with their travel companions - a cat named Grumpy Tequila and a dog, Mia Mukluks. While Michael would tame the waves of the magical Sea of Cortez on his board, Jo, a dedicated humanitarian with a big heart, would explore this new world to make a powerful impact on the lives of others.

Full of engaging and humorous road stories, While I Can by Jo Dibblee will expand your horizons. While Jo warns that it's not a guide for those looking into the possibility of living in a different country, she nevertheless shares some useful tips about traveling to exotic places. I never imagined that a tropical storm could be as horrifying as Jo describes, adding a personal story that will make you smile. I liked the lovely illustrations by Rosario M. Soley and the wonderful photos by Julie Shipman. They give us a complete impression of the adventures Jo and Michael experienced in Baja.

Don't underestimate the importance of the message that While I Can conveys. This book will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone to try something entirely different, no matter how difficult it may seem to you at first. Jo shows us that life is worth living in its fullness, including the care of those in need. I appreciated very much how open Jo is about her enormous love for Mexico and the Mexican people. Overall, While I Can will encourage fans of stories about journeys, inspirational books, and the self-help genre to be brave, curious, and thoughtful.

Edith Wairimu

While I Can: Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Distant Land by Jo Dibblee is an inspiring read that covers a couple’s brave adventures from Canada to Baja California Sur, Mexico. After receiving a devastating diagnosis, Dibblee and her husband knew it was time to set their dreams in motion. As a retired firefighter who had enjoyed kiteboarding in Mexico months prior to the diagnosis, her husband had won her over with his enthusiasm for life abroad. Despite other hurdles, the couple was determined and in June 2017, they arrived in Mexico, hoping to find a place they could call home. Their exhilarating adventures led them to many wonderful places and inspired them to get involved in the community by empowering others and giving back.

Jo Dibblee’s profound work, While I Can, encourages us to remain curious and live a life of meaning. It motivates us to think about what is most important in life and spend our time on what really matters. Written with wit and packed with many wise lessons, every reader will gain immensely from reading the book. The accounts include captivating descriptions of the places the couple encounters and funny, joyous moments about life on the road and tiny house living. They also involve lessons about the value of community which is demonstrated by the people they meet. Through their humanitarian work, the book emphasizes the value of serving the community in which we are based. Funny, engaging, and heart-warming, this beautiful work encourages us to live life to the fullest and touch the lives of others.