Who Says Poo!

A funny read aloud Story Picture Book about words in different languages that sound like the English word, Poo!

Children - Educational
35 Pages
Reviewed on 09/12/2024
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Author Biography

Adam Gaudreault is an author based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He enjoys writing funny, cute, and educationally themed books. Who Says Poo is his first children's book.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Who Says Poo! by Adam Gaudreault is a delightful children’s picture book that introduces children to the richness of languages. Adam uses the English word “poo” as a starting point, followed by giving children examples of words in other languages that sound similar. Words may sound the same but have vastly different meanings in different languages. The star of this story is Sally and her quest to find her favorite doll. Children will love learning the other words because they rhyme with “poo.” Children will have fun and enjoy the adventure. Not only does Sally look for her doll, but after she cleans her room, she goes outside for more adventures and learns more words with her pet dog, Denver. The fun never stops, and we hope the learning never stops. I highly recommend this book as a child’s introduction to foreign languages.

In Who Says Poo!, Adam Gaudreault wants children to have fun learning words in foreign languages that sound like “poo.” He writes in an entertaining style for children so they will learn while having fun. There are so many lessons that a parent can teach their child using this book. Discuss the different languages used while reading this book with and to your child. Talk about the countries and cultures represented by these words. You might even want to print out different alphabets, such as the Greek and the Cyrillic. Hopefully, children from three to eight will realize that learning languages can be enjoyable and beneficial. As a parent, you can make this book a foundation for your child’s lifelong learning in an ever-shrinking world. Do you have any people in your neighborhood who speak a different language than you? If so, spend time with your neighbor after reading this book, learning their culture and language.