William and the Wizard Waldo

A Boy and His Wizard: How to Be You

Children - Grade K-3rd
27 Pages
Reviewed on 10/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

William and the Wizard Waldo: A Boy and His Wizard by Joseph Schwary is a story about 'How to Be You.' William has spent so long training for the big race but when he doesn’t come first, he is upset. He shuts himself away from everyone and refuses to talk about it, but all that changes when it’s bedtime. William is surprised by a happy wizard appearing at the end of his bed, a wizard who wants to help William. They set off on a magical journey, and the wizard turns William into many different, strong, powerful creatures. But what will William think when he is back to himself? Has he learned more about himself? Will he want to return home to his parents and be himself again?

William and the Wizard Waldo: A Boy and His Wizard by Joseph Schwary is packed with adventure and fun in a story that will keep young readers interested all the way through. It also teaches kids a few important life lessons, not least being true to themselves and learning to accept who they are. It’s about being positive, and teaches readers that winning isn’t the be-all and end-all of everything – it’s about taking part and trying your hardest. This story is also about not letting yourself get too discouraged and about the importance of having family and loved ones around to support and help you. The beautiful illustrations by Arooba Bilal enhance this magical story and will help kids understand the messages behind the words. Highly recommended for kids of all ages, this is one story that can be read time and again.