Witches Garden Chaos

Children - Grade 4th-6th
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Witches Garden Chaos is a children's fantasy tale by Laurel Lorenzini. Mags, a witch doctor, has a lot on her plate. Apart from seeing customers with various problems, she has to manage a garden alongside a home with pets and a young granddaughter named Bo. When she receives news of her daughter Miriam, who went missing fifteen years ago, Mags' sister Flo takes it upon herself to search for her in the Far East. Accompanying Flo on her journey is Fern, who is suffering from bad luck after being disgraced by a plant. Meanwhile, the desert wanderers are in town with a shaman named Skyler, who might be able to figure out what happened to Miriam. With the summer solstice coming, Mags throws a feast in the garden. But will she get her daughter back?

Witches Garden Chaos is a humor-filled, part sleuth mystery and part fantasy adventure tale for children. Featuring witches, magic, and some adorable pets, Laurel Lorenzini has spun an adventure yarn young readers will undoubtedly love to read. Using quirky and likable characters, an unpredictable plot, and witty dialogue, the author creates a tale that entertains from start to finish. Mags is the kind of bubbly and energetic grandma many readers will be familiar with. I loved her relationship with her granddaughter Bo and her pets. Flo and Fern created another interesting dynamic, and I was very much invested in their adventure in Grapsville. The illustrations by Gabriel San Martin brilliantly complement Lorenzini's storytelling, making the characters shine and bringing out their lively personalities. All in all, this is a wholesome illustrated adventure story for preteen readers.