Won't Be Fooled

Superpowers Unleashed: 12 Rules to Staying Safe Online

Children - Educational
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Won't Be Fooled by A. L. Jaxan is a children’s comic book that aims to educate kids about online safety in a fun and interactive way. The story features a dog named Cyber Sniffer who helps children learn twelve essential rules for safe online practices. As kids absorb these lessons, they earn bars on their Online Safety Superpower Bar, eventually leading to a certificate. The book covers important aspects of internet safety, such as not talking to strangers online, protecting personal information, reporting bullying, and getting a guardian's permission for online purchases. By following these rules, children are empowered to navigate the online world confidently and responsibly, emphasizing the idea that being smart online makes them true superheroes.

In the current world, children need to be educated about staying safe at all times. Online safety is often overlooked but is essential, as it poses various risks such as cyberbullying and online predators. Won't Be Fooled serves as a crucial guide, teaching both children and adults about online safety, responsible digital behavior, and critical thinking skills to distinguish reliable information from misinformation. By promoting awareness and resilience, it empowers children to protect themselves in a digital world, while also fostering open discussions between parents and children about safe online practices. The interactive elements, humor, and vibrant illustrations will captivate readers, making the read enjoyable and educational. Through features like the Online Safety Superpower Bar and dog puns, the book effectively conveys important themes, fostering deeper connections with the lessons and making them memorable.