Zworsky's Children

Fiction - Science Fiction
391 Pages
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Zworsky's vaccine was initially supposed to give the millions of children born with a poor immune system and unusual antibiotic resistance a fighting chance at survival. Public perception of the drug's benefits soured when the recipients started to display peculiar characteristics as they approached puberty. Some scientists think they can undo the adverse effects of this medication, but these new, superpowered humans have a completely different perspective on the hand fate has dealt them. When Darlene Verity stumbles upon Max hiding out in an abandoned airplane, she builds a bond with the young survivor, and together, they attempt to change this world in Tom Connelly's Zworsky's Children.

Tom Connelly serves up a classic science fiction thriller. The world-building explains the planet's chaotic appearance and presents a realistic image. The thorough world-building complements the author's distinct storytelling approach, in which he skillfully employs subtle clue placement and delayed hints to progressively introduce each faction in the narrative. The character development is equally impressive. Connelly masterfully crafts their origin stories, allowing readers to easily connect with the principal characters and get swept up in the nonstop action and adventure. With a superb pace, going from passive to breakneck and back again, and an impressive degree of coordination, the reader is kept glued to the narrative. A perfect illustration of this is when Max and Darlene run the gauntlet, trying to break through a Creeper blockade. The characters' dialogue is the best feature; clear, insightful, and highly entertaining. I enjoyed reading Zworsky's Children, and I look forward to the next installment of this unique series.