Believe by Jo-Marie is the exciting story of Adi and her friends whose world exists in a forest. Adi lives in Maple Community, a small town inside a Sugar Maple tree in Vermont. One day they realize that there is a crack in the bottom...
Believe by Jo-Marie is the exciting story of Adi and her friends whose world exists in a forest. Adi lives in Maple Community, a small town inside a Sugar Maple tree in Vermont. One day they realize that there is a crack in the bottom...
Big Beard The Pirate by Harald Davidson is about the adventures of twins Francesca Spaghetti and Poppy Noodle. One day both the girls, along with their cat, Lulu, reach the woods and The Magic Meadow where they meet fairy Flora. The story also revolves around...
Billy Beakhorn and the Booger Man by Melanie Michael is about Billy Beakhorn who blows his nose onto his sleeve when he coughs and sneezes. What comes out of his nose is not normal, it's slimy and icky. The muck becomes Booger Man and he...
Baseball Bobby's Monsterrific Day by Debra Kilgore is an exciting read for children, one which will be helpful in encouraging positive thinking in them. Babe Ruth is one of the powerful hitters of the game and he is coaching Bobby, who now has everything going...
Baja Brody and the Birthday Surprise: Baja Brody Adventures is a children’s picture book written by Christina Willis and illustrated by Ralph Thomas. In his imagination, young Baja Brody is an extraordinary racing car driver whose exploits in the desert on his dune buggy are...
Bobo the Pirate's Cat by Lisa Jones takes readers on a journey with Bobo the cat who comes across an abandoned ship on the wild seas. He tries to scan the entire length of the vessel and can see no signs of life. Suddenly he...
Bruce and the Road to Honesty by Gale Leach is the second book in the adventure stories of Bruce and his friends. The book takes off from where Bruce and his friends return after saving many people from Stang, the evil bat. The victory makes...
In Bruce and the Murder in the Marsh by Gale Leach, we see Bruce and Milton accompany Chef Agatha when she goes to pay her respects to her mentor Cecil. When they arrive, they find out Cecil did not die a natural death, instead he...
Jessie enjoyed spending the summers with her Gramps in the disused lighthouse on Beacon Island with his little black dog, Digga. Jessie was out walking Digga one day, and of course he was curious and sniffing around, when she heard voices. The voices came from...