Sam Takes a Bagel
Sam Takes a Bagel by Peter Pickles is an adorable storybook for children. Sam is a cunning yet lovable cat. He loved to invent games and play, even if he is sometimes naughty. One day Mom left her bag with bagels in it by the...
Sam Takes a Bagel by Peter Pickles is an adorable storybook for children. Sam is a cunning yet lovable cat. He loved to invent games and play, even if he is sometimes naughty. One day Mom left her bag with bagels in it by the...
Claude: A Dog of the Sixties by Katherine L. Holmes is a delightful story for all dog lovers. Perry is a good student but his life changes when Claude, the poodle, comes to live with them. Claude is bow-legged and this prevents him from being...
Nightcat (Kitty Castle Book 1) by Celesta Thiessen and Keziah Thiessen is an enchanting story that takes readers through adventures in the Kitty Castle. The seven-year-old triplets are sad to see their parents go, leaving them at Kitty Castle. Their parents have to undertake a...
The Eyes of Pharaoh by Chris Eboch is a story with Egypt as its backdrop. It revolves around three interesting characters, Seshta, Horus and Reya. Each one of them has dreams but still their bonding is strong. The plot takes a turn when Reya tells...
Lonnie the Loon Finds His Home by Barbara Renner is a delightful storybook for children that revolves around Lonnie the Loon who is looking for the perfect home. As Lonnie tells his mother about his wish to live in an eagle's nest, a beaver's dam...
The Not So Wise Owl by Robert James Parfett is the story of a tatty old owl who never uttered any words of wisdom and the oak dwellers couldn't understand what was wrong with the old owl. It's a funny story written in rhyme, making...
Fond memories of visits to the lake, and summers spent at a cottage are sure to conjure memories of the impressive call of the loon. These large birds live on or near lakes and marshes and their distinctive bird calls help them communicate with other...
Jesper Jinx Goes Fishing (Volume 4) by Marko Kitti is a collection of stories about 11-year-old Jesper Jinx and his wonderfully wacky adventures. Jesper Jinx is bored. In order to alleviate his boredom, Jesper Jinx goes through an entire series of adventures. First, he spies...
Simona's New Adventure: La Nueva Aventura de Simona by Gabriela Gotay is an educational bilingual book for young readers. The story begins with Simona packing just enough clothes and toys. She is leaving her home and her room. She can't pack everything, but she makes...
Tippy and Kimothin's Holiday Celebration by Amanda Bannikov is a delightful storybook for children which tells them about many different holidays. Kimothin the Knight and Tippy the Dragon are very excited because it is party time in the Kingdom of Smesselleo and both of them...