Mysterious Receding Seas, The

By Richard Guy

Author Richard Guy offers an interesting hypothesis.  He explains that ancient civilizations were always built close to the seas.  However, we know that the earliest civilizations were built on mountain tops.  His reasoning suggests that the mountain peaks were the only land sticking up out...

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Gateway to the Clouds

The Story of a Short Line Railroad, The Scranton, Dunmore, Moosic Lake Railroad, 1902-1926
By Alan and Judy Sweeney

This short book is big on historical information. Alan and Judy Sweeney have researched and intensely studied their topic. The photographs bring history to life. Salaries were $3-$1 per day. The Sweeney’s include information concerning the death of workers, locomotives colliding. The title of this...

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My ‘70s Book

The "When I Was A Kid..." Book For The Generation That Grew Up In The '70s
By Darryll Sherman

Darryll Sherman takes readers back to the past. Those of us that grew up in the 70s remember the time through rose-colored glasses. It may not have been as great as we remember, but it was our era. Sherman reminds us that skorts were called...

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