Wounded: A Great War Novel by Gary Lewis is a story that throws light on the war-torn period of World War One. The love story of the main characters, Snow and Cozette, is set against a war backdrop. Snow meets Cozette in a small French...
Wounded: A Great War Novel by Gary Lewis is a story that throws light on the war-torn period of World War One. The love story of the main characters, Snow and Cozette, is set against a war backdrop. Snow meets Cozette in a small French...
Whispers Through Time by Barry Homan is an uplifting story about spirituality. This is the story of Jill Palmer, a mother of two teenage boys, divorced and working as medical transcriber and hostess. She lived an ordinary life, and the last thing she was looking...
"Wings of Freedom" by Ratan Kaul is set in the early 1900s when British Imperialism was at its peak. The Indians struggled for their independence from the British just as the British struggled to keep control. This fictional story transports readers back in time to...