Like I Used To Dance

The only way for me to begin my review of Like I Used to Dance by Barbara Frances is to say I loved it! For me to love a fiction book that is simply based on the ups and downs of a loving family in...
The only way for me to begin my review of Like I Used to Dance by Barbara Frances is to say I loved it! For me to love a fiction book that is simply based on the ups and downs of a loving family in...
Hold Back The Sun (US Asiatic Fleet vs. Japan) by Warren Bell is a military fiction novel that takes place in 1942. This book will appeal most to an audience made up primarily of adults who enjoy military fiction, though some of the more mature...
The Legend of the White Peacock by Kristen Iten is about a young girl in a rural village who loves to listen to stories. Her favorite is about the rare and magical white peacock. If a person is able to steal a single plume from...
How To Be The Loving, Wise Parent You Want To Be. . . Even With Your Teenager! by Darryl Sollerh and Leslie King is a guide for parents to help them understand their teenagers. The book starts off by giving basic background information about teenagers...
Frozen Moments by M. Tasleem displays a collection of stories within other stories, showcasing the various elements of human character. Tasleem became inspired by watching the lives of others. If you have ever watched people, whether it's at the grocery store, on public transportation, shopping,...
Weeds in Nana's Garden by Kathryn Harrison is a children's story about a young girl who enjoys helping her grandma in her garden year after year. One year, weeds start to grow very tall in the garden and Nana is unsure about if they should...
The Boy Who Lost His Flame by Silvia Marsz revolves around the story of Tim, who lives in a little hut on the edge of the woods. Tim lives alone in the hut as his parents died not so long ago. One morning, Tim went...
Hungry Frog and Clever Butterfly by Silvia Marsz is an entertaining story for kids. In the mud under a leaf lived a frog who had become mean because he was hungry. He kept waiting for a juicy butterfly or a fly, but he could not...
The Departed is book one in the Departed Series by Kristy Cooper. When sixteen-year-old Gwen Byron’s best friend, Lana Foster, doesn’t answer her text messages one morning, she assumes that Lana has been grounded by her very strict parents. Later that day at school, however,...
The Gender Experiment by L.J. Sellers is a thriller that left on me the kind of powerful impression I had when I first read Lee Child’s Jack Reacher. Taylor Lopez is doing her internship in the morgue and she couldn’t complain about the work until...
In a great new book by debut author John Tolliver, The Reflection of Innocence is a book that will engage readers from the very beginning all the way through until the last page. Following the story of protagonist John Calabrace, a man who lives anything...
The California Wife by Kristen Harnisch is the sequel to The Vintner’s Daughter by the same author. Sara Lemieux is recovering from all the tragedies that have befallen her and reveling in her new marriage to Philippe. Their vineyard at Eagle’s Run shows great promise...
The Power Brain: Five Steps to Upgrading Your Brain Operating System by Ilchi Lee is a must-read for anyone who wants to outwit mediocrity, reach their peak potential, and succeed in both life and business. It’s no secret that our brains are powerful tools that...
The Advent of Elizabeth by Tim Jollymore is a mystery story. Twenty-four years ago, she was buried. Twenty-four years ago she was murdered, and the person who confessed is serving time for the crime. Both her family and his have moved to different towns and...
Living Fulfilled: The Infectious Joy of Serving Others by Eleze Lisa Thomas-McMillan is a memoir with a timely and powerful message of hope in a world characterized by greed, consumerism, and outright egoism. In this beautiful memoir, the author chronicles her journey toward the service...
Turbo and Boxster are the very best of friends and they play regularly together. When Boxster goes over to Turbo’s house to invite his buddy out to play, he’s taken aback when Turbo declines, having no energy. Boxster urges him to go to the doctor...
Don't Say Goodbye, Just Say See You by Patricia Ann Brill is a useful book with charming artwork that will enable parents to help a child better understand the loss of a loved one or a beloved pet. Patricia Ann Brill tells the story of...
The Road to Recovery is Paved with Dog Treats is a children's animal picture book written by Patricia A. Brill, Ph.D. and illustrated by Curt Walstead. Turbo is a boxer who has a lot of experience going to the vet. He's had three surgeries, and...
Porsche Bella's Forever Home is a children's animal picture book written by Patricia A. Brill, Ph.D., and illustrated by Curt Walstead. Porsche and her brother and sister were abandoned in a field by a breeder who didn't want them. It was a terrifying experience, and...
Last Stop: Paris by John Pearce is the thrilling sequel to Treasure of Saint-Lazare. Ex-soldier Eddie Grant is just starting his life over in France with his beautiful fiancée, Aurelie. As a favor to a friend in the CIA, Eddie and Aurelie attend a banker's...