Toxic Spirits

Toxic Spirits by Inderjeet Mani is the story of a man who tries to make the best of the situation he is in, but it seems like powerful forces around him have other plans. Benton moved away from his country to Thailand when his wife...
Toxic Spirits by Inderjeet Mani is the story of a man who tries to make the best of the situation he is in, but it seems like powerful forces around him have other plans. Benton moved away from his country to Thailand when his wife...
Zay loved his rock more than he loved playing in the water. He loved lying on it, twisting and turning on it, and stretching on it. Abby also wanted to sit on the rock but Zay barked every time she climbed on the rock. ...
Black Volta is an intense and interesting work of literary fiction penned by author Pete KJ. As the title suggests, much of the novel centers around the Black Volta River in Ghana, Africa, with events speared across three decades as lives from the past come...
Aliens Ate My Homework is a work of science fiction and fantasy fun penned for children by author Matthew S. Cox. In this second novel in The Adventures of Ubergirl series, we return to Kelly Donovan and her Earth-saving ways for another delightful installment. After...
The God That I Know: Psalms for the Modern World by John Rogers is an inspirational book written in the form and pattern of psalms. In fact, this author deserves the title of a psalmist. In the introduction to these contemporary psalms, the author shares...
Shockwave: The Battle for Earth (Journal One) by Hammer Trollkin is a compelling science fiction story packed with action and features a phenomenal conflict, one that is about to annihilate the entire world. It is a crisis moment and the aliens that attack the earth...
Lorraine Evanoff’s Pinot Noir is one of the best thrillers I have read in recent times. It is the second installment of a series centered on the character of Louise Moscow, but despite some references to the previous volume, it works as a stand-alone book....
Sophie was torn. She wanted to love Jacques, to commit to him fully, but every time she felt ready, her mind and heart returned to Taj. He had abandoned her, leaving without a word and shattering her to the brink of her own destruction as...
Dipsy Doodle And The Recital, by Alisa Guttadauro, is good for kids of all ages suffering from shyness. The story starts with Dipsy and her mother, Mrs. Doodle, discussing how she is petrified of performing on stage. A classmate, Sindy Sazparilla, teases her, telling her...
Little Puddles by Shannon Dill, illustrated by Chris E Hammond, is about a little man named PJ who lives on a little island, in a little house in a little town, named Littleton, and has a little garden. But then he gets a big idea....
Above the Best: The Remarkable Life of Seeley E. Ralphs by DM Coffman tells the inspiring story of Seeley Ralphs, an adventurous man who graduated from the California Highway Patrol Academy, a father who embraced a way of life that set him on a path...
Tippy Goes To The Doctor by Amanda Bannikov, with illustrations by Mike Quiñones G., is a children's book that continues in the spirit of education and friendship between Kimothin the Knight and her friend, Tippy the Dragon. As they are out playing, Kimothin reminds Tippy...
Isabella Berdyna Zysk presents another tantalizing medieval novella, The Dowager’s Daughter. Lady Leona’s first marriage was arranged, and she produced three sons as heirs to the Arnabys' Abbey. Her second marriage was to a lawyer and their love brought about Kimberly. Beloved by her titled stepfamily,...
Wake Up, Wanda Wiley is a work of romantic comedy fiction and quirky humor penned by author Andrew Diamond. Metaphysical in its original concept, this light and frothy humour is set within the mind of the titular character Wanda. Wanda is an author sinking into...
Heartbreak is a work of action and adventure fiction penned by author John Righten and forms the first novel in The Lenka Trilogy. Written for mature audiences due to some moderate references and language, this exciting and enjoyable novel takes place in the year 1990....
JJ Rolston’s Henry’s Sunday Afternoon is a children’s picture book about a spider named Henry who must continue to contend with other animals getting entangled in his web. Set on a farm, the story is bright, colorful, and full of charm. The narrative is in...
Eight-year-old Reagan is different. Everyone around her is also different. She loves to dance but the other children do not like dancing with her. Reagan loves a special place she calls rocks-water. She feels safe there. She does not feel lonely sitting on the rock....
Max was excited when he got out of bed. He had been waiting so long for this particular day. It was Chanu-Con and he knew it was going to be awesome. There would be a bounce house, crafts and cool toys, and fun everywhere. Max...
Natasha felt lonely in the orphanage. It was Christmas in Russia and Natasha danced in her dreams with Father Frost. She wished for him to bring her mommy and daddy back. Father Frost heard her wish and sent her picture to the perfect family...
Amy was a sparkly girl. She sparkled wherever she went. Amy loved school and storytime was the best part of school for her. On Monday, Amy's teacher read a story about dinosaurs and Amy wanted to be a T-Rex when she grew up. Everyone laughed...