A Cape May Christmas Story

A Celebration of Family and Love in America's First Seaside Resort

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
197 Pages
Reviewed on 08/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Terrie Sizemore for Readers' Favorite

A Cape May Christmas Story: A Celebration of Family and Love in America’s First Seaside Resort is set in a real location - at Cape May in New Jersey. Christmas story lovers can add this holiday read to their list of favorites. In A Cape May Christmas Story, Charles and Rita visit Cape May every Christmas and are facing retirement. While others in their aging neighborhood decided on sunnier destinations for retirement, Charles and Rita chose to buy a 150-year-old Victorian house in Cape May! This is the first year the retired couple is celebrating Christmas in their new home. They have invited their two sons. One is a free-spirited travel blogger who writes about small towns across America while the other is a stressed plumber with a wife and two children. All Rita wants for Christmas this year is for her family to be together and cherish one another.

A Cape May Christmas Story by Suzanne Simonetti is a delightful, easy-to-read story that keeps the reader’s interest from the first page to the last. The characters are well-developed and familiar as they are ordinary folks with ordinary life experiences. The story flows and each scene builds on the prior one. Suzanne includes recipes after the story concludes. The Hot Chocolate recipe is tantalizing, and I am looking forward to trying this as well as wedding soup, gingerbread cookies, eggplant lasagna, and more! She also includes all the fun spots and activities at Cape May. This Christmas story makes me want to book my holiday at Cape May this year for the unique and exciting ideas Suzanne brings to life.