A Firefly Named Felix

Children - Animals
44 Pages
Reviewed on 05/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

A Firefly Named Felix is a children’s picture book written by Deanna Hart with illustrations by Chrish Vindhy. It follows the story of Felix, a firefly who hides the fact that he cannot light up his body. This makes him feel insecure and sad because he cannot play light tag or send messages to his friends through light. One day, Felix’s friends and siblings discover his secret and make fun of him, which leads him to isolate himself. However, his class teacher, Miss Hornburry, finds him and has a talk with him that makes him realize that he is a special firefly. He learns that not all fireflies are meant to light up; others have a greater purpose. Join Felix as he discovers his destiny and gains the respect and admiration of his friends and siblings.

A Firefly Named Felix is a heartwarming story with an uplifting message about individuality and embracing each other’s differences. Children will learn that being different is not a weakness, but a strength with a special purpose that sets them apart. This will build their confidence and make them believe in themselves. Deanna Hart uses a calm, friendly tone and simple words to convey these messages, and the facts about fireflies add an educational element, making this a delightful and informative read for children. The inclusion of helpful questions at the end of the book also makes it a great resource for kids to learn and engage with the story even more. Finally, the colorful illustrations perfectly correspond with the story and bring the characters to life. I enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend it because it teaches valuable lessons about self-acceptance, diversity, and inclusion.