A Purpose for Patches

A story of compassion for others and learning survival signs and tools

Children - Grade K-3rd
48 Pages
Reviewed on 05/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

A Purpose for Patches: A Story of Compassion for Others and Learning Survival Signs and Tools by Gail L. Oxford with illustrations by Melissa Fox is a colorful and lively children’s book that tells the story of Patches, a guide dog. Patches’ purpose is to demonstrate important survival signs for Sam who is visually impaired. While on the trip, Patches interacts with different signs and signals like the stop sign, traffic light, and hospital markers among others, which he must learn to protect Sam. The book is very engaging and provides children with useful tips on basic important survival skills while depicting the essence of embracing responsibilities and living a more caring and diligent life for others.

Gail L. Oxford is a great storyteller; her writing style is quite simple yet engaging and this makes it easier for young readers to grasp some difficult concepts. She teaches children about safety and then presents them with the warm, loving story of Patches. The character of Patches is cute and easy to empathize with and this is how children can learn from the story. Melissa Fox’s illustrations fill the book with pops of color that brighten the pages and enable children to identify with what the various signs mean. A Purpose for Patches is appealing and entertaining for children as it helps teach them about ways that they can be helpful and attentive to their surroundings, and the significance of using guide dogs. I highly recommend this story to parents who want to teach their children about safety in an engaging way.