A Separate Heaven

Fiction - Thriller - General
294 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

Fifty year old, Dominic Gianelli is somewhat of a recluse and an enigma. He is well known for his power and wealth. Rumors claim he acquired his wealth through nefarious means.

Gianelli has always controlled those around him until he met Paige Hamilton. The twenty year old woman changed his life forever. Paige is from a prominent family. Determined to make it on her own in the world she takes a job at a New York investment firm where Dominic is a client. A strong attraction forms between the two. Dominic isn’t sure about a long term relationship. He fears for Paige’s safety.

Alex Disanti transports readers from Long Island to the Mediterranean. The plot is exhilarating. The characters come to life on the pages. This is the first time I have read a book by Alex Disanti, it will not be the last. I am reminded of Sidney Sheldon novels. Well done Mr. Disanti.