A Star in the Endless Night


Fiction - New Adult
462 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Jenna Page’s debut novel, A Star in the Endless Night, is a captivating journey into a world where magic, mystery, and romance blend effortlessly. The narrative pulls readers in from the start with a unique premise: a young woman bound by her circumstances is unexpectedly freed by a wizard struggling with his dark past. What follows is a rich exploration of her hidden powers and an intricate relationship with her enigmatic benefactor. As Estelle discovers the secrets of her aura, the stakes rise, and the tension between her and the wizard, Dirk, becomes compelling and heartfelt. Their dynamic is filled with moments of self-discovery, hope, and a touch of vulnerability that makes their evolving relationship genuinely touching.

First and foremost, it’s hard to believe this is Jenna Page’s debut novel. It is so well-written, with a narrative that grips you and doesn’t let you go, and the plotting is equal to that of literary masters. Page seamlessly blends romance, intrigue, and world-building, making it clear that this is only the beginning of a promising literary career. The story flows with elegance and is skillfully handled. The opening scene draws readers into the story, and each character plays a significant role. What’s truly impressive is the way Page weaves small details into the story to sharpen the settings and tone without being overly descriptive. The fade-to-black scenes aren’t forced and are effective. A Star in the Endless Night is the first of a duology. This is a must-read for readers who enjoy literary classics.