Adagio for the Fallen

Infernal Symphony Book 2

Young Adult - Horror
479 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Adagio for the Fallen is the second installment in the Infernal Symphony series by Maria Giakoumatos. In this gripping young adult horror, sixteen-year-old Luke Reed embarks on a perilous quest to find his missing father, who vanished during a paranormal investigation at an abandoned church. As Luke and his friends discover Lunaris, a dark parallel realm ruled by the cunning King Lysander, they face treacherous challenges. To save his father, Luke must return Lysander's brother, Zalem, while navigating sinister rituals and political intrigue, all while battling a haunting presence in his nightmares. Giakoumatos excels at creating an immersive, vividly described world in Lunaris, and her precise attention to detail brings the dark realm to life with swathes of atmospheric language and interesting imagery, allowing readers to feel the oppressive atmosphere and tension as they journey alongside Luke.

This journey is all the more enhanced by the close narrative viewpoint in his evolution from a desperate son into a more complex hero, grappling with loyalty and identity in a chaotic world. The characters around Luke are also richly developed, each facing their own moral dilemmas and growth in situations highly relatable to the target YA audience that draw parallels between the fantasy setting and real teen experiences. In terms of pacing and excitement, there are plenty of unexpected plot twists and Maria Giakoumatos’ ability to weave suspenseful elements throughout the narrative enhances the horror aspect to maintain a brisk pace with readers always on edge for the next discovery. There’s always room for moments of depth and reflection for the hero though, allowing readers to connect personally with Luke’s internal conflicts and making his journey resonate on multiple levels as the plot throws different challenges at him. Overall, Adagio for the Fallen is a nuanced teen horror that offers emotional depth and excitement, and I’d certainly recommend it.