Adele and the Whispering Garden

Adele and the Whispering Garden Series Book 1

Children - Grade 4th-6th
49 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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Author Biography

Ever since she was a child, Polly Richards has dreamed of writing a book. That dream has come to life with her debut, Adele and the Whispering Garden. Inspired by her passion for gardening and caring for our planet, Polly's love for the outdoors blossomed during her childhood visits to her aunts expansive garden in the Beverly neighborhood of Chicago. Surrounded by blooming flowers, a small pond, and serene hideaways, those memories remain close to her heart. The scent of phlox effortlessly transports her back to those magical moments.

Polly attended the Chicago Botanic Gardens' Garden Design program, where she learned about the native trees, shrubs, and perennials that thrive in her community's growing zone. She has since created her own vibrant garden and serves as the coordinator for the Jubilee Garden, affiliated with St. Francis de Sales Church in Lake Zurich, IL. Each season, the garden produces about 2,000 pounds of vegetables, all donated to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry.

Through her writing, Polly aims to share her deep love for gardening and the importance of sustainable practices, inspiring a new generation to appreciate and nurture the planet. Adele and the Whispering Garden is just the beginning of her journey as an author, combining storytelling with a mission to educate and inspire.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite

In Adele and the Whispering Garden, Polly Richards invites children to discover a love of gardening and magic. Adele is a curious girl with a big heart. Upon moving into her new home, she decides to explore. In her backyard, she finds the entrance to an abandoned garden, where a gnome statue is hidden among neglected plants. Seeing the state of the place, she wishes to restore the garden to its former beauty. This desire awakens Albert, the gnome, who tells her that she has been chosen by his pure heart to restore splendor to this environment. However, the process requires patience, dedication, and learning about nature. Albert becomes her guide, teaching her everything from composting to planting new flowers and vegetables.

I loved Polly Richards' writing because it is fun and educational. She teaches a sense of responsibility, demonstrating that a garden requires consistency and attention. By adding a touch of magic, she encourages children's imagination and curiosity. The narration is entertaining and filled with detailed descriptions of nature and plants, which immerses you in the garden. The information is useful to bring children closer to the world of gardening. Even at the end, there is a section on how to make compost to allow children to get more involved. The images are also wonderful. They present a realistic touch with black and white backgrounds, while some elements stand out in vibrant colors, which enhances their magical aspect. Adele and the Whispering Garden is a great story that will teach children the value of hard work and perseverance.