Alexander Finds A Home

Children - Concept
30 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Haylee Weber for Readers' Favorite

Alexander Finds A Home by Vicky Ann Meier is an adorable children’s book about Alexander, a sweet kitten with unique qualities who finds himself in a shelter after changes disrupt his farm home. The story follows Alexander's journey as he waits anxiously for someone to choose him from among all the other shelter kittens. Alexander was passed over many times because of his large ears and a white patch over one eye. Will Alexander ever find a forever home or will he live out his years in the shelter?

Alexander Finds A Home is a heartwarming story about a displaced kitty who no one seems to want to adopt. One day, Ellie, a young girl, visits the shelter and becomes a turning point, inspiring young readers with her role in Alexander's life. The narrative captures Alexander's hopeful anticipation and the loneliness and sadness of watching his siblings find new homes while he remains at the shelter. Through Ellie's perspective, the story beautifully unfolds lessons of kindness, inclusion, and the importance of celebrating individual differences. The illustrations by Mentari tell the story nicely. Overall, Vicky Ann Meier's story will be enjoyed by young readers, and the author promises that Alexander will feature in future books. Alexander Finds A Home will entertain children and cat lovers of all ages, and they are sure to love the illustrations as much as I did. The story is perfect for teaching young readers about inclusion and the importance of accepting others for who they are, not how they look.