
Fiction - Thriller - General
272 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

A drug robbery goes wrong resulting in deaths. Nard is charged with murder. He pays stripper Daisy Fothergill two thousand dollars to provide when with an alibi.

Daisy uses the money to pay for her mother’s funeral. When Reggie Carter, Daisy’s boyfriend dumps her she is alone and pregnant. After having an abortion the young woman travels to Tennessee to visit an aunt. She likes it there and begins putting her life back together. Trouble follows her to Tennessee in the shape of an insane murderer.

This thriller will please fans. The language bothered me at first and I almost didn’t finish this book. I picked it up and gave it another try. I realize the language is part of the gang street world, it was necessary for the setting. I found myself drawn to Daisy. At one point the author takes us back in time to witness Daisy’s mother’s life in Tennessee. I truly enjoyed that part. I wanted Daisy to find happiness. The author clearly demonstrates the ruthlessness of the Drug Lords.

This book is well written and the suspense keep me reading.