And The Stars Feel No Sorrow

Fiction - Science Fiction
421 Pages
Reviewed on 07/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

Action, adventure, and wholesome science fiction goodness abound in And The Stars Feel No Sorrow by C.L. Withers. The story is set in an era when our solar system is colonized, and interstellar travel is on the brink of becoming a reality. The protagonist, Commander Zebulon Montgomery Sonnet, serves one of two rival Earth-based powers. Commander Sonnet meets with his superior, Admiral Chronauer, who briefs him about a medieval human-like species 32 light years away, which is about to be invaded by a technologically superior insectoid race. Tasked with aiding our newfound human cousins in defending their home, Sonnet arrives at the alien world with a small force. As the commander attempts to help the good-natured aliens, he is about to realize that a faraway place with a strange-sounding name can become a home he would be willing to die for.

And The Stars Feel No Sorrow by C.L. Withers is a fantastic, wonder-filled sci-fi journey tinged with a touch of low-level fantasy that completely exceeded my expectations. The plot involves a complex first-contact scenario where many challenges must be addressed to avoid cultural shock while also dealing with the impending threat of invasion. The book explores multiple themes, such as camaraderie, loyalty, and the best nature of humanity, making it an uplifting and feel-good read. Exceptional world-building and a touch of mystery add depth to the story, creating an immersive experience only a master storyteller can provide. Overall, it is a beautiful tale that will appeal to science fiction fans of all ages. I wholeheartedly recommend it.