Are You Really Listening?

Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
126 Pages
Reviewed on 10/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Are You Really Listening? by Bernice Simpson is a poignant memoir that delves into end-of-life care from a nurse's perspective. It provides a deeper and more personal understanding of the emotional complexities during a patient's final days. The author shares her experience of losing her father and later her mother, her own near-death experience from an asthma attack caused by stress, and many other stories of patients who passed away under her care. Through her reflections on encounters with patients, she emphasizes the importance of compassion, comfort, and communication. The book also highlights the emotional dynamics between caregivers, patients, and their loved ones, emphasizing the impact of relationships at the end of someone's life. The author has added medical and spiritual insights to each story. Overall, this book underscores the importance of understanding, connection, and love during death and the grieving process.

Are You Really Listening? is a collection of moving tales that offers a different perspective on death and medical care. From Bernice Simpson's accounts, readers gain a personal and heartfelt glimpse into end-of-life care. The emotional toll that nurses and family members go through is explained in detail, making the stories relatable for anyone who has experienced loss. The book is engaging, with interesting chapters featuring Greek letter titles and Bible scriptures emphasizing the lesson in each story. Themes of peace, strength, resilience, and love are woven throughout the book. The inclusion of beautiful designs and pictures makes the book visually appealing and enhances the reading. Simpson's narrative not only pays tribute to the strength of the human spirit but also reflects on the challenges faced in the healthcare system. Her stories also prompt readers to reflect on their own experiences with grief and caregiving, helping them to value life more and realize the importance of human connections during difficult times. This eye-opening book offers profound lessons that will help readers navigate the complexities of grief, caregiving, and the intricate relationships that form during life's final chapters.