Armored Hours

Reincarnated Souls 1

Romance - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Armored Hours: Reincarnated Souls Book One by Stephanie Hansen is a fantasy/sci-fi romance set in the 1920s. The story follows Claudia, Kiersten, Lina, and Florian, four women leading a feminist movement, who mysteriously vanish. Alexander, a bootlegger deeply connected to the group and secretly in love with Claudia, embarks on a dangerous mission to find them. As he searches, he uncovers a dark conspiracy orchestrated by powerful societal forces. The novel blends historical elements, romance, and magical realism, creating a suspenseful narrative of love, loyalty, and rebellion that’s packed with imaginative fantasy. This fresh, engaging narrative keeps readers invested in both the characters and the plot’s many unique twists.

The portrayal of Claudia, Kiersten, Lina, and Florian is empowering and compelling, showing Stephanie Hansen's ability to write complex, inspiring female characters that all feel distinct from one another and show the many different strengths and vulnerabilities of womanhood authentically. Alexander's journey to find them is one of growth and learning for him as a result of these strong female influences and that's refreshing to see. I also really enjoyed the 1920s backdrop of the work and thought it was an ideal setting to combine with the atmospheric inclusion of magical realism and mystery, transporting readers to a familiar historical timeline but with new splashes of fantasy fun. Hansen does a great job with the pacing too, delivering intricate subplots of romance, political intrigue, and rebellion, and then gradually revealing a deeper, more sinister conspiracy, keeping readers on edge with suspense and emotional depth from cover to cover. Overall, Armored Hours is an engrossing novel that I highly recommend to fans of magical fantasy and slick historical drama.