Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters

Axel & Ava

Children - Action
36 Pages
Reviewed on 08/28/2024
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Author Biography

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) holds a Ph.D. in Law and is an award-winning children’s author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 2015, examines the limits of freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shifts of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to her doctoral research, Tuula Pere had a career spanning over two decades as a lawyer and held various expert and executive positions in large industrial companies.

Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over sixty children's books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. She has also authored poetry and aphorisms for children, as well as short stories and non-fiction for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and the mother of three.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Have you ever spent time with a cat? If the answer's yes, how did they respond to you? Learn a few things about cat behavior with Tuula Pere's Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters. When Axel tells his best friend, Ava, about his neighbor Becca, who has a new cat, Ava is keen to see it. Axel and Ava soon visit Becca's home, and they see the cat is shy and likes to watch them from a safe distance. Becca tells them it's best to let the cat get used to their presence and leaves to bring some food from the shop. Ava and Axel try several ways to play with the cat but in vain, leading to Axel being scratched and the cat jumping off the second-floor balcony. What will the kids learn from this experience?

Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters is a fun-filled picture book that shows young readers how to act around pets, especially cats, and offers them a window into animal behavior in a domestic setting. Cats are one of the best pets to teach kids about consent, and Tuula Pere brilliantly incorporates that concept into this delightful children's tale. Ava and Axel act like most kids would if they've never been around a cat. In the story, the children start seeing the difference in how the cat behaves when it's scared compared to when it has the familiar calming presence of its owner. I love hand-drawn artwork, and Nyamdorj Lkhaasuren does an amazing job with the illustrations in this book. So grab a copy and teach your children a few things about cat behavior with this engaging picture book!

Shrabastee Chakraborty

When Axel learns that their neighbor, Becca, has adopted a cat from the animal shelter, he cannot wait to share this exciting news with Ava. Soon, the duo marches to Becca’s house, intending to play with the newest family member. However, the cat is not ready to play with them, opting to keep itself at a safe distance. Although disappointed at its reluctance, Axel and Ava promise to take care of it while Becca runs an errand. What happens when the duo tries to encourage the cat to play? Will it comply with their schemes? Find out in Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters, a children’s book written by Tuula Pere and illustrated by Nyamdorj Lkhaasuren.

Even within the short span of the book, Pere sketched three adorable characters. Axel in his round glasses and Ava in her cute tutu were as charming as the somewhat more mature Becca. I love how Becca was stern yet understanding, patiently guiding her friends. Lkhaasuren’s brightly-colored illustrations captured the playful, upbeat mood of the story. The characters’ faces are expressive, reflecting happiness, bliss, mistrust, and even panic as the story progresses. The whimsical arrangement of objects in the illustrations depicted the ever-rising chaos. Each good-intentioned yet harebrained idea made me laugh out loud. Through this story, Pere highlighted how over-enthusiastic children might cause more harm to pets in their hurry to befriend them. The book teaches youngsters to be gentle with their beloved non-human friends, especially if they are rescued and might not be very trusting. I recommend Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters for children aged 2-7 years.

Samantha Dewitt (Rivera)

Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters by Tuula Pere is a cute book with beautiful illustrations and a fun message for children. Youngsters Axel and Ava find out their neighbor has just gotten a new kitten, and they’re excited about the fun possibilities. But playing with the new kitten just might be off the table, especially if the two of them can’t figure out how to treat it properly. When the cat’s owner briefly leaves the room, the rules go out the window, and the two children are determined to have fun with the new cat. While they’re both just looking to play and have fun, it becomes clear that they’re not paying attention to what the kitten wants, with potentially bad consequences.

Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters by Tuula Pere has a good storyline that will resonate with young readers. The idea of a new pet in the neighborhood is likely to interest any child, and the excitement of playtime is something that children understand. The plot moves along at a pace that will keep readers interested without compromising the storyline. The characters are well-meaning, active, inventive children who struggle a little with impulse control. Still, they’re fun and relatable. This story also looks at respecting boundaries and caring for others but through the lens of a new pet. Children will enjoy the illustrations by Nyamdorj Lkhaasuren as well as the story and might just wish they could be cat sitters themselves.

Carol Thompson

Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters by Tuula Pere is a children's book that explores the joy and challenges of caring for a new rescue cat. When neighbor Becca adopts a cat from the shelter, Axel and Ava enthusiastically volunteer to be cat sitters while she goes to the store for cat food. However, they quickly discover that the responsibility is far more complex than they initially thought, especially as the cat adjusts to its new home. The pair fails to follow Becca’s instructions, which leads to a challenging situation that could jeopardize their friendship with Becca.

Tuula Pere highlights the patience and care required for a rescue animal to acclimate to new surroundings. It also teaches important lessons about responsibility and empathy, as the children must learn how to handle the situation when their actions inadvertently cause the cat to become frightened and scratch Axel. While the narrative is engaging and the colorful illustrations by Nyamdorj Lkhaasuren add a lot of charm, the scene where the cat jumps from the balcony could be a bit much for sensitive young readers. Parents or caregivers might want to be ready for discussions on the impact of carelessness and how to make amends when things go wrong. It can be an excellent opportunity to teach how bad decisions can harm others and the importance of following directions and being honest about mistakes. Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters is an educational story that encourages thoughtfulness and care in handling animals and listening when instructions are given.

Gaius Konstantine

Knowing what not to do with a kitten is just as important as knowing what to do. In the illustrated children's book Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters by Tuula Pere, two young friends discover there is more to caring for a young cat than just fun and games. As an excited Axel visits his friend Ava, he brings her news of Becca's new kitten, and the two playmates rush to see her furry pet. When Becca leaves Axel and Ava to babysit the kitten so she can go to the store, the two buddies try to play with the kitten. But the kitten doesn't know them yet and feels a little scared. Though they are kindhearted and friendly, the kids discover that sometimes a kitten can panic when new people are around.

Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters, written by Tuula Pere and illustrated by Nyamdorj Lkhaasuren, is a delightful book with an important message for young children. The story is basic and straightforward, following the attempts of the children to play with a kitten who is more interested in getting to know them first. This plot also conveys a very vital theme of teaching young children that kittens are not toys but living creatures that need to be cared for. The illustrations are charming and intentionally drawn to resemble children's art, creating a comfortable and familiar feel for kids. Overall, it is a pleasant story and a wonderful introduction to the responsibilities of looking after a pet.