Bait and Switch

Life With a Two-Faced Narcissist

Non-Fiction - Memoir
537 Pages
Reviewed on 12/03/2015
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Author Biography

Lisa Carlson is a single mother of two young children, currently living in Texas. Before becoming a mother she traveled most of the 50 states and has been to several countries on amazing adventures.

After surviving a domestic violence marriage, she now has a passion to help others who have suffered or are currently suffering from similar situations.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Tracy Slowiak for Readers' Favorite

Wow! Just wow! How's that for a review? Well, that's what I found myself saying as I finished the last page of author Lisa Carlson's book, Bait and Switch: Life with a Two-Faced Narcissist. A true life story so interesting that it reads like fiction, Lisa's story tells of her life with Dameon, a man she once thought was the man of her dreams, only to find that he was actually a true nightmare. After their marriage, Dameon isolated Lisa, once a free spirited and beautiful young woman, from her family and friends, forced her to join a religious cult, and controlled every aspect of her life. When, after Lisa was pregnant with the couple's second child, Dameon threatened to kill her, she finally found the courage to flee from him and go into hiding, although she had little idea of how to make it on her own. The reader can't help but root for this brave young woman, and hope against hope that she will find her way.

I very much enjoyed Bait and Switch. A true cautionary tale for any young woman who marries a person she doesn't really know, or who goes into a relationship without any ability to care for herself independently, this book will give many readers a lot to think about. Author Lisa Carlson has done a fantastic job with writing her personal memoir, which is both emotional and a very worthwhile read. I wish this author the very best in her life, and certainly hope that she will continue with her writing career. She shows immense promise and I look forward to reading more from her in the future!


As another reviewer pointed out, Lisa is transparent... with painful vulnerability I might add. You see how she progresses from naivety and innocence, to realizing the mistakes she made and developing the maturity and courage to turn things around. To make better decisoins for herself and her children.

She does a remarkable job of giving insight into the mind of the abused. You begin to start to understand why someone who is being abused might not take the kind of action the rest of us might think they ought to take. She distills into her words the emotional and mental darkness that goes with feeling humiliated, unlovable and dehumanized.

I think there is much to be gleaned from what she shares- whether you are a man or a woman. It is disheartening to think there are women like this one who want to feel and be loved, but are tricked and fooled into entanglements with men who are manipulative as they are abusive. Men who participate in ruining good women this way are making the world a lesser place as they snuff out any spark of happiness or light. It is hard for someone like me to know there are men who do this and worse.

The book will make you smile at times, but it will enrage you just as much. Its hard for me to fathom people being cruel in the ways described in this book. Be prepared to feel emotionally invested as you read. It is a great story in how it is told, though unfortunate for her to have gone through so much. I commend her bravery and choosing to act decisively when it counted most... more importantly to share it publicly in a book.

Jennifer Ward

I could not put this book down, even to go to bed at night. A road map of warning to those who are considering internet dating, marrying someone you only have known for a short time. A clear view into how abusers manipulate their way into power. Lisa Carlson share honest and painful situations that are difficult to read! I applaud her transparency, and the times when she recognizes that her poor choices were as much to blame as the monster she married. May her honesty and shared experience save someone else this painful lesson!

Frank Ross

What starts out as a bright adventure about a missionary in pursuit of both happiness and spirituality ends up being a dark story about domestic abuse and religions darks side. It's by far the best book I ever read by an indie writer and you really get to know and love the main character more and more as the story goes along. Her spontaneity and innocence in contrast to the abusers controlling and manipulative behavior makes for a read that will leave a lasting impression long after the book is put down.


I couldn't put it down. I love the way the author includes details to make you feel present in every scenario described during her marriage. I could imagine the faces she was making behind her mother's-in-law back, for example. I am so glad that this woman got away from this abusive, sadistic man and his psychotic family and made her own "happily ever after". I hope she realizes how big of a warrior she is to have experienced this and not become a basket case for the rest of her life.

Danette B.

If you are experiencing any type of abuse you should definitely read this book! Especially read this book if you are unsure if you are in an abusive relationship! I seriously could not put this book down. I read it as I fell asleep, first then when I woke up and if I had a second between client at work I would try to get a paragraph or two in.

Sunnie O'Night

This book was difficult to put down. Lisa Carlson writes in a way that makes the reader feel as if they were with her during the months that changed her life forever. It is a book everyone should read, because it exposes a life that is all too common in our society, and everyone needs to know how to deal with it, whether it is a family member, friend, or even yourself.


It captures your interest from the very beginning, and you won't want to put it down. A great gauge for women who find themselves in similar situations.

Mario A

Bait and Switch: Life With a Two-Faced Narcissist was a good read for me but not an easy one. Unfortunately I can relate way to well with Lisa being in many of the same situations. It defiantly is an easy read and a quick read. You join Lisa on the emotional roller coaster that becomes her life. You find out about the daily struggles about a woman who gets abused about a narcissist. Have no second thoughts about it. If you didn't think evil existed you can see it when Lisa deals with her Narcissist. They are really evil. The type of abuse she describes happens to be very typical. It made me feel really good when reading through this to know that I am not alone and not the only one who has been through this. It is a shame to just want to be loved and that leads you into abuse... in this case of the worst kind. I think we all know how it is to want to be loved, the problem with narcissist is that they can fool anyone, from the average woman to the most educated and well adjusted woman. They are not all abusive at first, as you can see from Lisa's story. She was a good woman, who went to bible school, she was in the ministry helping others and she was a leader. She did well for herself traveling all over and had so many real life experiences but unfortunately she met a man who was too faced. People are not always who they seem to be and this is important to remember as you start to read about how her relationship went from wonderful... too good to be true... to abusive. This made it such a good read. I really enjoyed the book and I think if you have ever been through something like this, not sure if this is happening to you or are in it now... It is a bit of hope that you can eventually get away.


This book Bait and Switch: Life With a Two-Faced Narcissist was definitely a good read. The story was very interesting and took me into the mindset of an abused victim. Often times I have wondered why people in these situations don't just leave their abuser and now I understand more about why it is so hard for them to leave. They feel hopeless and unsure about themselves. This is an eye opening book and it makes me what to stress to my children to never deal with anyone treating them this way. This story will hold your attention.


Having been in a relationship with a two-faced narcissist myself, I can tell you that this book really hits home.
Lisa Carlson did an excellent job writing this book and tells the story in a matter of fact accounting of her own hell on Earth while married to this man.
As she relates her day to day trials and tribulations you will see countless red flags that should have alerted her to this mans personality, but like every other woman who has lived thru this she just doesn't see them. This is nothing new. When you are in this type of relationship it is so easy to tell yourself that this "person" is just having a bad day, or that this "person" really does love me and is just trying to mold me into someone better, which is usually the farthest thing from the truth.
If you think your in a relationship like this, or if you would like to stay out of a relationship like this, I recommend you read this book. Narcissist's don't love anyone, they control people for their own gain, and they are everywhere. After reading this book you will have a greater understanding of how their brains work and can protect yourself from them more thoroughly in the future.

Julie Conn

Bait and Switch book is very good for people that know or live with a narcissist. The book gives great examples of people living in this situation and what they go through and how they deal with it. Without giving the book away it lets you see how a person lives with a narcissist. It is very moving with a lot of drama and excitement. It makes you feel happy and sad. Its amazing how someone can treat a person like this. I would recommend this book to everyone.