Be a Blood Buddy

The Importance of Donating Blood

Children - Educational
74 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Marie-Hélène Fasquel for Readers' Favorite

Be a Blood Buddy by Akhil Vasudevan is a delightful children’s book. It thoroughly covers the topic of being a blood donor in a clear and relevant way. The book is easy to follow and is an excellent resource for adults to begin discussing this important subject with kids. The book offers numerous answers and valuable information, and the beautiful illustrations are especially comforting, reminiscent of children's drawings. The author addresses misconceptions and stigmas surrounding blood donation. This book offers a fresh and original perspective. Having two young protagonists, Matthew and Melissa, children like the readers, is a wonderful idea. Interestingly, the phlebotomist isn't the main character. Her son is, and he explains what her job entails. This is a brilliant way to simplify a complex topic as the explanation comes directly from a child. It makes it more relatable for young readers. The way he answers Melissa’s numerous questions is perfect!

Be a Blood Buddy by Akhil Vasudevan is a wonderful story and I hope many children will become blood buddies thanks to it! The issue comes from uninformed adults who refuse to donate blood out of fear. Melissa, however, wants to help change the world, one person at a time, and she starts with her dad. This is the essence of the book: changing the world, one reader at a time, as readers can discuss the theme with their relatives and friends and continue the ripple effect of positive change. This message is particularly important in today’s world: we all need to contribute to a better society, rather than focus on crises and believe we are too small to make a difference. The illustrations by Ashika Vasudevan help young readers grasp the book’s message without scaring them, as blood and needles can easily be overwhelming for young and not-so-young readers. A book to treasure that I highly recommend (being scared of needles…).

Carol Thompson

Be a Blood Buddy is a delightful and educational book that encourages young readers to understand the significance of donating blood. With vibrant illustrations by Ashika Vasudevan, Akhil Vasudevan takes children on an engaging adventure with characters Matthew and Melissa as they explore the world of blood drives. The story presents a vital topic in a way that is both accessible and fun, making it an excellent introduction to the life-saving act of blood donation. Through colorful crayon-like illustrations and an easy-to-follow narrative, young readers are introduced to the fundamental concepts about blood donations, including the types of donations, what happens at a blood drive, and how donated blood helps those in need.

Akhil Vasudevan does an excellent job of dispelling common misconceptions about blood donation, not just for kids but also for adults who may have fears about the process. By fostering a positive mindset early on, the book encourages children to see themselves as future donors, emphasizing that donating blood is safe and crucial for saving lives. Be a Blood Buddy is an excellent educational tool for parents and educators. It inspires kids to think about their potential to make a real difference in the world and instills the value of community service. The book cultivates a sense of pride by promoting the idea that everyone can contribute to their community. The script-style formatting makes it easy to read, breaking down a complex topic into a manageable narrative. With its engaging content and meaningful message, Be a Blood Buddy will help encourage future generations of donors.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

Be a Blood Buddy by Akhil Vasudevan is an educational story subtitled The Importance of Donating Blood. Melissa and Matthew are going to take you on a journey about blood drives. You’ll learn what a blood drive is and how it works, why blood donations are so important, all about blood types, the different types of donations, and much more. Melissa and Matthew will help you see that donating blood is perfectly safe and how you can help others. Get ready to go on an important but fun journey to see how you can become your own community’s local hero.

Be a Blood Buddy by Akhil Vasudevan is an important book, not just for kids but for adults, too. It is written in the form of a conversation between two children, making it very simple to follow and understand. It is accompanied by lovely illustrations by Ashika Vasudevan and lots of fun facts to help readers see the importance of blood donations. Deep down, everyone knows that donating blood is a good thing as it can help save lives the world over, but many people are scared of it for different reasons. This book helps us all see how blood drives work and how they make it safe for us and ensure they only get healthy donated blood. This is an excellent, educational book that should be included in every school reading group as it’s never too early to learn the importance of giving blood. It can also educate adults who are more likely to be scared than kids are!