Beyond Second Chances


Romance - Suspense
327 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

In Beyond Second Chances, Rita M. Boehm tells a gripping story of love, loyalty, and personal redemption set against the backdrop of war-torn countries and the ensuing complexities of relationships from the past. The protagonist, Lindsay, is embroiled in a harrowing quest to locate her friend Peter, who has gone missing under mysterious circumstances. After risking her life for Peter, he abandons her. She immerses herself in her work, trying hard to forget his rejection while struggling with her growing feelings for James Cochran. At one point, she must accept the love that James offers — a risk that is hard to take — or embrace solitude. Set against the vividly drawn landscapes of Djibouti, Yemen, and England, the settings augment the tension and urgency of the narrative. The atmospheric and complicated political backdrop heightens the stakes for Lindsay.

Rita M. Boehm has the extraordinary ability to make readers love the characters. They are intriguing and believable, with emotions and feelings that readers will relate to. These characters navigate challenging and real situations. Lindsay is at the forefront as a complex figure struggling against the guilt of her past and the present dangers surrounding her. Peter is a romantic interest and a close friend; his character is infused with a blend of strength and vulnerability heightened by his experiences in conflict zones. However, it is Hashim, with his ambiguous motives, who helps to build the tension and intrigue, pushing Lindsay into dangerous territory both literally and figuratively. The conflict in Beyond Second Chances moves beyond just the external dangers of kidnappings into personal struggles with identity and forgiveness, particularly surrounding Lindsay's unresolved feelings toward Carter, her deceased partner. Boehm skillfully intertwines the themes of second chances—both in life and love—as characters face their past decisions and the consequences of their actions. This suspenseful romance has elements of a thriller; a fast-paced narrative with exciting doses of action, and lovable characters.