
Young Adult - Fantasy - General
381 Pages
Reviewed on 07/01/2024
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Author Biography

Jenifer Majerus lives in Minnesota with her husband: Devon: her children: Keiran and Ayla; and her two rescue cats: Freyja and Olive. She has always had a passion for writing and a mind filled with fantasy. Outside of reading and writing, she enjoys video games and countless crafting hobbies she cannot master. Above all else, she enjoys interacting with fans of her work and encourages her readers to reach out!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Ronél Steyn for Readers' Favorite

Jenifer Majerus brings us an absorbing fantasy in Blessed. At the age of ten Gwendolyn Wood was blessed by the forbidden goddess of Chaos, Variel. Abandoned by her family, she had no one to turn to. At fourteen she burned down the Temple of Solreth in Port Tythrenn and was sent to Faserlaeh, a prison for murderous and treasonous mages. Under the harshest of conditions, she has survived for the past four years. Now she has been pardoned by the King of Dovania and is living in the palace as an honored guest. It seems she is not the only God Blessed person in the kingdom. Keeping her secrets close to her heart, Gwen has to figure out who she can truly trust while controlling the all-consuming power within her.

Author Jenifer Majerus has created a world you can very easily get lost in. This is one of those special books that will be extremely hard to put down. Chaos reigns through these pages with a formidable female protagonist. All of your senses will be stimulated with the descriptive writing. Subtle but powerful dialogue will leave you in tears and with hope in your heart. Blessed has the perfect combination of action, suspense, and endearing moments that invigorate the entire range of characters with deep color and depth. Suitable for young adult fantasy readers, there is some mention of assault and violence. I believe a rare jewel has been discovered in this author and I find myself craving the next book. I am addicted!